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"Athena! Get up" Cami whispers shaking Athena's body, "What cami?" She groans.
"We're late we have to be in class in 15 minuets" Athena shoots up suddenly and sees cami running upstairs.

She looks down and sees a sleeping Shawn, his brown hair was all messy and his lips were slightly parted. His arm was around her waist clinging on, she didn't want to move from him but she had to. She lightly takes his arm and moves it but he puts it back holding on to her tighter.

"Shawn" she whispers, "Shawn" she says slightly louder and shakes his shoulders going closer to his face. His eyes flutter open and he smiles remembering when Athena fell asleep on his shoulder last night.

"What is it?" His voice was so raspy and it melted Athena. "I'm late for class and I need you to move please" she whispers as she's so close to his face still wrapped in his arms.

"Oh sorry" Shawn moves his arms and sits up. "I'm going to get ready" she says running upstairs.

Shawn smiles at her, the way she fell asleep on him then rolled her body towards him almost begging to have his arms around her. Why did she have to go? Shawn was enjoying being so close to her.

Athena runs downstairs and shouts for Camille who walks out the kitchen holding two bags. "You're the best" Athena says grabbing her bag and putting it on her shoulder. "Come on let's go, I'll drive" cami rushes outside but Athena goes in to the living room quickly.

She goes up to Shawn and bends down slightly "will you stay till I come back?" She asks hopefully, he nods and smiles at her "there's spare stuff in my bathroom and Liam is still here" she says making Shawn nod.

Athena places a kiss on his cheek and walk out "bye Shawn".

"Bye Athena" Shawn yells moving back on to the sofa. He touches his cheek and smiles, she was perfect to him and so innocent. Shawn gushes to himself over Athena until he hears foot steps coming down the stairs.

"What's up Shawn?" Liam says smirking at Shawn. "Nothing why?" He asks confused. "You just look really happy" Liam shrugs sitting on the other sofa.

"Oh I am" Shawn chuckles. God, what is Athena doing to him.

"I knew you would like him" cami squeals whilst driving back home. "Yeah yeah you were right" Athena takes a sip of her drink and looks over at cami who is grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Do you think he stayed?" Athena said her voice filled with worry. "Yeah of course he did" Cami reassures her.

"I'm so glad we weren't late this morning" Athena says and cami nods. "We would've been killed by Mr McCall" cami laughs.

Soon they reach home and Athena hesitated to get out the car "babe, he's here isn't that his car?" Athena looks over seeing the black jeep, a smile creeps on her face. They both get out and walk in. Cami looks at Athena both of them exchanging looks "you smell that?" Cami asks, Athena nods and walks in to the kitchen with cami following.

"Hey you're back!" Liam says happily pecking a kiss on Cami's lips. She smiles at him and looks around the kitchen "What are you doing?" Cami asks.

"Me and Shawn are cooking for you both" Athena looks at Camille and they smile at each other. "Shawn's just showering in your bathroom Athena" athena nods and goes upstairs and drops her bag on her bed.

She can still hear the shower running so she decides to get dressed taking off her top and boots. She wonders to her wardrobe looking for some clothes, her attention is taken away by the bathroom door clicking.

Shawn walks out which a towel hanging from his waist and his wet hair dropping on to his perfect body. "Oh shit, I didn't know you were back" Shawn says going to her bed where he left his clothes.

"Oh it's okay and you get changed here I'll leave" Athena says going towards the door but Shawn stops her grabbing her hand. "Just turn around" he says, Athena tries not to look down keeping her eyes on his.

"It looks like you need to get changed too" he teases looking down at her. Athena looks down seeing she's only in a skirt and a pink bra.

"Shawnn" she whines hitting his arm then crossing her arms over her chest. "Turn around" she complains.

"We'll both get changed okay, no peeking" Shawn chuckles going to other side of her bed.
Athena turns around and pulls down her skirt walking to her joggers picking them up, she can feel Shawn's glare on her body.

"Shawn, you said no looking"

"I'm sorry, you look hot though" his voice had a rasp to it and Athena swore she could've fell to the floor. "Shawn seriously, I'm not looking at you it's not fair" she states still turned around.

"You can turn around if you want it's up to you" Shawn says

Athena doesn't even hesitate she turns around and her eyes scan Shawn to see him in his black Armani boxers and nothing else. She brings her eyes up meeting his.

"There we're even" Shawn smirks.

She grabs her joggers and slides them up her legs as Shawn watches both of their eyes not leaving each other. Shawn grabs his black jeans and pulls them up grabbing his belt and pulling it around his waist his eyes still not leaving Athena's.

She sees him struggling, he doesn't want to look anywhere else. She walks over to him and stands right in front of him taking the belt from his hands.

He watches her closely as her small hands do his belt, her hands grazing his skin. She brings her hands up to chest and holds his shoulders as they stare in to each other's eyes.

Shawn leans down and grabs her shirt. He puts it over her head and helps her slide her arms through running his hands over smooth skin.
She does the same to him and they stand closer now.

His hands move down grabbing the strings of her joggers and he ties them pulling roughly so she would be closer her to him.

Her chest presses against his, they can hear each other breathing. His eyes scan over her tan skin and to her lips.

"Athena foods ready!" Camille shouts making Athena jump.

"Okay one second" Athena shouts back.

Her hand goes down his shoulder and arm, she joins their hands and smiles. "Let's go eat" she whispers against him. He nods at her and presses a kiss to her forehead which makes her heart flutter and her cheeks heat up to a shade of pink.

As they walk downstairs hand in hand Athena can't help but wonder if Shawn would've kissed her if Camille hadn't called. Or even if Shawn would kiss her at all.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now