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Athena woke up to the sound of laughing coming from downstairs. She looked to her side to James wasn't there, a rush of panic hit her and she ran downstairs. "Oh god Camille" she shouts rushing in to the living room seeing Liam playing with James and Camille was laughing at them.

"What? What happened?" Camille asks getting up quickly. "Oh nothing, I thought something happened to James but he's here" she tries to calm her breathing. "Yeah he was crawling all over you so I took him downstairs" Camille shrugs sitting beside Liam.

Athena calls James and pulls him in to her lap as she sits down playing with his short brown hair. "How are you after last night? Has Shawn called?" Camille asks.

"What happened last night?" Liam asks. "Tell you later babe" Camille says turning back to Athena. "Erm my dad really doesn't like Shawn and he got upset about it which I understand so he left" she shrugs looking down at the baby in her lap.

"Go see him today" Camille suggests. "We can look after James". Athena shakes her head no "it's okay but thanks. I'll go see him and I'll take James with me" she says standing up and James giggles. "Okay text me if you need anything" Camille shouts.

Athena goes upstairs getting her self and James ready after a long hour both of them finally done. Athena puts him in the pram Theo had left and she pulls her shoes on calling Shawn.

"Hey Athena" Shawn's voice spoke.

"Hi Shawn, are you busy?" She asks hoping the answer would be no. "No I'm not, why do you need me?" He asks worriedly.

"No no, well erm can you meet me?"

"Yeah sure, how about that ice cream place you work at?" He suggests. "Perfect I'll see you there" she smiles to herself. "Bye gorgeous" Shawn ends the call. She smiles wildly, it gave her happiness as he wasn't as upset as she thought.
Athena sits down pulling James out the pram sitting him up on the table to face her. "Listen little J, Shawn is very important to me so you better not cry" she talks in a baby voice. James just giggles grabbing her hair.

"Important to you huh?" Shawn says making her jump. He leans down kissing her lips then slides in next to her. "Very important" she smiles kissing his cheek,James shrieks making her pull back.

"Shawn this is James, you didn't get to properly see him yesterday as he spent most of time sleeping" she laughs. Shawn sits forward shaking his tiny hand. "Nice to meet you James, I'm Shawn" he says making Athena giggle. James leans forward and Shawn holds him awkwardly.

Athena takes James and places him on Shawn's lap properly. "There you go" she smiles. "It's okay you just hold him" he says but she folds her arms over her chest "he likes you Shawn" she points down to James who's looking up at Shawn with his big brown eyes batting his long eyelashes, Shawn smiles then bops his nose.

"Shawn?" Athena says making him look up at her. "At you mad at me?" She asks.

"Oh god no, I was just upset. I mean I want my girlfriends dad to like me" Athena's heart swells up and she bites her lip containing her smile. "And yeah, he doesn't like me very much" Shawn shrugs sadly. Athena raises a hand putting it on his shoulder.

"He'll come around" she smiles. "I'm mad at him too" she says making Shawn laugh. "Wait are you still coming with me next week?" He asks. He really wanted her to come with him, he wanted to show her off to the world, she was his girl.

"Of course I am" she smiles making his shoulders drop in relief. "How come you never told me it was your birthday when we go?" He asks her.

"I don't celebrate my birthday, I did when I was small but when I got to thirteen I just didn't want to. Then when I met Camille she always used to throw a surprise party. Like the day before she would surprise me and it would last till the next morning on my actually birthday" she laughs remember the night. "Oh and last year she started my party bang on at twelve am, it was so crazy"

Shawn nods grinning as she yells the story. "So on Saturday, would you be mad if we did something?"

"Well we'll be going to that event together and seriously that's enough for me, please don't do something for me" she says leaning on to his shoulder playing with James' small hands.

Shawn nods understandingly but deep inside he wanted to give her the best day of her life. "Should we get some ice cream then? It's killing me that we're in an ice cream shop and we still haven't gotten any" She laughs sitting up.

"Yeah I'll go order, what do you want?" He asks handing her James so he could stand up. "Cookie dough please" she smiles, Shawn nods walking away.

She sits there beyond happy, Shawn was understanding of her, all he wanted to do was make her happy but it still stuck at the back of his mind that her father didn't like him.

Shawn felt so pure with her. Every time they kissed it was a feeling like no other. When he saw her smile it made a grin tug at his lips. She was all he was looking for.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now