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Athena woke up to the sound of music playing quietly but loud enough to hear from the bedroom. She sits up holding the sheets to her body and looks around seeing an empty spot beside her where Shawn had slept.

She gets up to shower then gets dressed wearing blue jeans and one of Shawn's printed shirts tucked in. She strolls in to the living room seeing Shawn slouched back playing his guitar. Athena leans down behind the sofa and wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Morning" she kisses his cheek and he stops playing and looks up at her. "Morning babe" he pecks her lips. "Come here" he ushers her over to sit beside him. She walks around the sofa then sits beside him smiling.

"Listen to this" he instructs then plays a quick melody then stops to look at her reaction, she smiled widely looking at him concentrate so hard. "Amazing!" She exclaims clapping.

"Sounds so enchanting" she says exaggerating her words. "So beautiful, you're incredibly talented" she gushed making Shawn laugh.

"Thank you" he pulls her by her hand to give her a sweet kiss. "I'm going to make breakfast" Athena hops up but Shawn stops her putting his guitar to the side. "I'll help" he says getting up.

"No no, stay here and play the music loud so I can hear it in the kitchen" she says and Shawn nods smiling. "Okay, any requests?"

"Anything you want" she winks then is about to walk off again. "Wait is that my shirt?" He pulls her hand again.


"Well if you're going to look that good all the time, keep wearing them" he winks then lets her go picking his guitar up again.
Athena laid on the sofa with her legs on Shawn's lap and Shawn played the guitar scribbling notes down every so often.

Shawn looked at her for a second then laughed seeing her smile to herself as she read her book and turned the page. "What?" She asks putting her book down folding the corner of the page.

"You're so cute" he laughs then plays his guitar again. Athena laughs then sits up resting her head on his shoulder. "Can you sing please"

"What do you want me to sing?" He asks her placing his finger under her chin. "Whatever you just wrote down, I heard you sing some lyrics quietly and it sounded good" she tells him.

"Okay but it's not done yet" he says then begins strumming the strings.

Sunrise with you on my chest
No blinds in the place where I live
Daybreak open your eyes

He hums in between unfinished lyrics.

Be yours, be my dear
So close with you on my lips
Touch noses, feeling your breath
Push your heart and pull away, yeah
Be my summer in a winter day love
I can't see one thing wrong
Between the both of us
Be mine, be mine, yeah

He stops then looks at Athena, with stars in her eyes and a smile so genuine. "That was really good, you sound so amazing" she tells him looking straight in to his eyes.

Shawn wonders if she knew the song was about her or maybe it wasn't obvious but he swears he'll tell her one day. "Thank you" He grins then pecks her lips.

"I hope that song makes it on to the album"

"Oh it will" he says then places his guitar down. "I like it, it's soothing and the lyrics are really something" Athena says placing a hand on his jaw.

He leans in to kiss her but his phone rings making him sigh as he pulls back answering. Athena gets up giving him privacy as he begins talking on the phone. She makes her way to the kitchen making some tea for herself then hops on to the counter going on her phone.

Shawn walks in a few minutes later looking frustrated. "What's the matter baby?" She pouts putting her hands on his shoulders as he stands between her legs.

"I have to go I need to take care of some stuff" he sighs. "Okay what's the matter with that?"

"You can't come, Andrew wants me to fully concentrate so I'll be at back at like half eight"

Athena nods "Okay that's fine, I'll stay here and I'll tidy up" she shrugs.

"No you don't have to tidy up, I'm sorry for leaving you"

"It's okay Shawn, I'm sure I can survive a few hours. Now go so you can come back quickly" Athena says then kisses his cheek. "I love you"

"I love you more and I'll text you" Shawn pecks her lips then grabs his keys and puts on his shoes leaving. Athena looks around then hops of the counter starting to tidy up.
"Hey I'm back" Shawn shouts walking in throwing his keys to the side. "Babe!"

He quickly quietens down seeing her asleep on the couch only wearing his shirt and a blanket loosely covering her legs. Shawn places the takeaway bag on the table then walks over to her picking her up gently trying not to wake her up but he fails as she opens her eyes.

"What a lovely way to wake up" she says her voice all raspy. Shawn puts her down then sits beside her. "Hi" she giggles then kisses his cheek. "The place looks nice, thank you" he kisses her back then looks over his now cleaned condo.

"It's okay, I had fun to be honest dancing around your kitchen blasting John Mayer" she says grinning.

"Oh I missed you dancing" he pretends to be upset.

"Don't worry I slipped a few times, wasn't really a good sight" she giggles snuggling in to the crook of his neck.

"So what did you do today?" She asks him playing with his necklace. "I recorded the backing of a song that's pretty much it but it took so long" he explains tracing a finger over her thigh.

"Well I'm sure if you take your time everything will be perfect" Athena looks up at him then pecks his lips. "Yeah I hope so"

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now