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"Shawn, launch party tomorrow at yours at 5" Andrew tells Shawn over the phone. "Okay" Shawn says rubbing his temples. "I'll call you tomorrow, rest up bud" Andrew ends the call and Shawn puts his phone down.

His head in his hands he sighs loudly. Athena walks out the guest bedroom quickly going to the kitchen avoiding Shawn. "Athena" he calls but she doesn't listen.

She slept in the guest bedroom, well barely slept. She called Myles and he didn't pick up three times so she just laid there staring at the ceiling letting her tears fall down her face.

Shawn gets up following her seeing her dressed in a robe and her hair still wet. "Athena" he says again wrapping his arms around her waist. She moves his hands walking away to the fridge.

"Please just talk to me" he pleads. She turns around looking at him and they both notice that the both of them had been crying.

"I'm going to meet him" she mumbles. Shawn furrows his eyebrows stepping back. "For gods sake why?" He asks.

"I want to see him Shawn, I miss him as my friend. I'm not looking start anything with him I have you" she says softly.

"Well don't go!" Shawn spits. "I can if I want to" her voice still quiet.

"Don't go, I won't let you" He crosses his arms over his chest. "You can't do that Shawn" she shakes her head. "I'm going, I don't care if you like it or not" Athena walks past him but he grabs her wrist pulling her back.

"Don't go, I don't want you around him"

"Let go" She tugs her arm but he holds her closer. "He's my friend Shawn"

"I don't care, he hasn't made an effort with you why should you?" He shouts.

"He didn't make an effort because he wanted us to be happy and not get in the way!" Athena shouts back.

"Well he's getting in the way, he fucking loves you" his voice getting louder.

"Get it in your stupid head that I love you!" She cries. "Now let go off me" her voice quite, she looks own at their hands.

He lets go and she walks off. Shawn pulls his hair in frustration making his way back to the living room.

Athena walks out after an hour fully dressed. "Don't tell me you're going to him" Shawn stands up. Athena looks down at her hands. "Don't come back" he spits going to the door opening it.

"So are you going to go?" He asks. "Shawn don't do this, I love you" she places a hand on his jaw. "Are you going or not?" He spits moving her hand.

"I need my friends just as much as you do, I'm so alone Shawn" she says wiping her tears.
He looks down at her not saying anything. Athena sighs then walks out. Shawn slams the door then punches the wall and then groans feeling the pain but he does it again.
Athena sits on a bench waiting for Myles outside his work place. She thinks about Shawn, how could he do that?

"Athena?" She hears standing up. "Myles" she breathes out hugging him. He hugs her back tightly. "Why are you here?" He asks letting go off her.

"I wanted to see you" she mumbles. "But Shawn said, never mind"

"Wait what did he say?" She looks up in to his eyes. "He told me to leave you alone"

She nods softly and sighs. "How are you thena?" He pulls her down to sit back down on the bench. "I'm good, I miss you Myles I need my friends back"

"Athena I know I said I loved you but I need to let you know that I was so hung up on you I refused to look at anyone else but I met someone"

"That's amazing, who is she?" Athena gives him a genuine smile. "Veronica" he says. "I'm engaged"

Athena pulls him into a hug. "I'm so happy for you" she tears up. "I'm really happy for you" she mumbles in to his jacket then lets him go.

"I know it's fast but we're ready she's amazing, how about you and Shawn?" Athena gulps.

"I'll have to meet her then and erm we argued" she says a frown settling on her face.


"You, he said if I came to meet you that I shouldn't come back" a tear slips her eye. "No don't cry" he wipes her face.

"I told him that I love him and I wanted to see you because I miss you being my friend and he completely flipped" she cries softly.

"I'm so sorry Athena, I can take you back if you want" he says. "It's okay I have my car with me and I'll get going now. Keep me updated with you and Veronica, I'm so happy for you Myles" she stands and so does he giving her a quick hug.

"Hey if you ever need anything tell me" Myles says and she nods then walks away to her car getting in. Her hands resting on the wheel, she puts her head down and cries.

Meanwhile Shawn needed a distraction, he called all his close friends to stay over until the party tomorrow, he drank as much as he could but Athena stayed on his mind.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now