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Everyone was now eating which made Athena less nervous as they would be concentrating on eating rather than on Shawn.

Shawn sat beside her, he rested his hand on her thigh rubbing small circles with his thumb to calm her down. Athena looks up at him sending him a smile, Shawn winks at her then continues eating.

"So Shawn what do you do?" Her dad asks bringing all the attention on Shawn. Shawn clears his throat "I'm a singer" he says, her dad scoffs making her head turn hot.

"Do you produce your own?" Her dad questions. "yes, I write and produce. I of course have some help but every song is mine" Shawn says proudly. Athena places her hand over his squeezing it gently to tell him how proud she is of him.

"So as a singer, I'm sure you have public scandals and you get followed around a lot, it must be quiet daunting" Richards voice was deep and intimidating, the way he spoke with no emotion made it impossible for Shawn to understand how he felt.

"Yeah it can be but it's not that bad, there are rumours made but nothing so extreme has happened to me" Shawn replies.

"You want to drag Athena in to your pop star world, where everyone is there to judge. She's not strong enough for that. How do I know you aren't using her? Or you're trying to hurt her" Shawn gulps looking down at Athena but she's so upset about her dad that she stays looking down playing with the bracelet Shawn has on.

"Sir I can assure you I'm not using her, I really like her and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. I'm actually taking her to an event next week so she can see what its like. I don't want her to feel like she doesn't know what's going on in my life so I'm involving her as much as possible" Athena looks up her eyes averting to Camille, filled with worry about what her dad might say.

"An event? That doesn't sound like a good idea. Taking her to wherever it is so people can invade her personal life and judge her. Athena you're not going" Her dad says sternly picking up his glass of wine.


"Richard stop" her mum says, then she looks at Athena with sorry eyes that her dad is doing this in front of everyone.

Shawn looks to Athena giving her a look to say something but as she opens her mouth to speak Sam speaks up. "Athena isn't it your birthday next week Saturday. Are you spending it with Shawn?"

Athena freezes looking at her brother not knowing what to say. "Sam stop it. She can do whatever she's an adult" Poppy says placing a hand on Sams shoulder.

"It's your birthday?" Shawn asks completely clueless.

"Oh god the boy doesn't even know her birthday" He dad scoffs. "Dad, please stop" Athena begs looking at him with water in her eyes.

"Athena honey, I'm not sure on how long you've known him but you both clearly don't know each other that well" her dad states.
"It's a bad idea going with him, if someone says the harshest thing to you you'll break, you're still growing up. And I know these things get to you"

"Dad I-i" her voice cracks with sadness she looks around the table seeing everyone look at her and she lets out a cry putting her head in her hands as she sobs. Shawn places a hand on her back and leans in close to her ear. "Come on" He holds her up taking her hand leading her outside to the back garden.

Athena cries in to Shawn's shirt as he holds her closely. Her dad really didn't like Shawn, maybe it was because he refused to see his little girl grow up.

Shawn hushes her rubbing her back soothingly. Athena looking up at Shawn sniffing "I'm- I'm really sorry" She stutters. "It's okay gorgeous" Shawn kisses her forehead sending a warm feeling through her body just like every time he kisses her.

"It's not okay, my dad I don't know what's up with him." She says. "It's okay, I'll just have to keep trying" Shawn smiles.

He leans down pressing his lips to her, kissing her slowly. His hands go to her waist pulling her closer "Athena" a voice calls. They pull back quickly and Athena looks up.

"Oh Theo, whats up?" She wipes her face quickly. "Erm me and Sydney are leaving now, and I just-" he steps closer to her hugging her body. "I'm really sorry about dad and for me and Sam. We just want the best for you" Theo says.

"And Shawn I'm sorry about anything, we treat Athena like a princess" Theo laughs. "It's okay" Shawn nods.

"Erm where you guys staying?" Athena asks. "At a hotel, we're staying the week" Theo says. "Oh can I look after James one day?" she asks with a smile on her face. "Yeah, actually that'd be great, how about tonight then I'll get him tomorrow" Athena nods excitedly.
"Bye Athena, thanks for taking James for the night" Sydney smiles hugging her then hugs Shawn good bye.

"Erm bye Shawn, I hope my dad warms up to you but I swear to god I will kill you if you hurt her" Sam warns. "And Athena call me okay, me and Poppy are staying for like four days and I got you gift so I'll see you before I go." Sam hugs Athena.

"You know I don't like my birthday Sam but thank you" she smiles. "Good luck with dad" Sam smiles walking out and poppy says good bye too.

"Athena honey we're leaving too" Her mum appears. "Bye mum" Athena hugs her tightly and Shawn watches awkwardly from the side not knowing what to do as her dad stood opposite him.

"Take care honey and I'll talk to your dad" Her mum whispers to her then let's go. "Bye Athena, take care" her dad hugs her but she doesn't hug back. "Athena I know your upset with me but everything I said was right. Don't go next week, this thing is probably only temporary" her dad says then walks out, her mum sighs following him to the taxi.

Athena shuts the door then faces Shawn who has a sad look on his face. She cups his cheeks making him look at her. "I'm sorry" she says kissing his cheek.

"It's okay it's not your fault. Maybe your dad is right" Shawn shrugs pulling away from her, he grabs his keys from the side and opens the door. "Wait where are you going?" She asks grabbing his wrist.

"Home, good night Athena" he kisses her forehead then leaves getting in to his car. She watches as he reverses out and speeds down the street.

"Athena come on" Camille calls walking up to her carrying James. "Let's just go to bed" Athena nods sadly taking James from Camille smiling as he made noises.

It was hard for her to sleep that night, she stayed wondering what her mother would say to her dad. Wondering what her brothers really thought. Wondering what was running through Shawn's mind.

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