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The feeling of a hand brushing his chest woke him up, he glanced beside him then had to do a double take seeing the blonde girl beside him.

He jumps up waking her up. His eyes wonder around the room seeing their clothes scattered around the room. "Morning handsome" He cringes looking to see her leaning her head on his bare shoulder.

"You need to go" he mumbles standing up grabbing his clothes to put on. "Not a breakfast kind of guy?" She giggles standing up getting dressed.

"More of a this shouldn't have happened kind of guy" Shawn says looking down at his watch seeing it was ten am. "Well that's not what it seemed like last night" she walks over placing a hand on the side of his face.

"I don't care" Shawn shoves her hand off of him. "Oh yeah, didn't you say you had a girlfriend? Jheeze sucks to be her" she laughs wickedly grabbing her bag.

"Get out" Shawn raises his voice. "Oh feisty, can I stay to see that side of you" she pokes his chest playfully a grin not leaving her smudged red lips. "I mean it, leave or I'll call security" Shawn shoves her away walking past her to the door.

"You invited me up here and now your kicking me out? At least I had a good time, that girl of yours is lucky" She winks, Shawn opens the door and she walks past him whilst sliding her hand across his chest.

"Shawn?" Brian asks completely confused. The girl stops in front of Brian looking him up and down. "Cute" She giggles walking away whilst swaying her hips.

Brian scoffs walking in to Shawn's hotel room shutting the door. Shawn sits at the edge of the bed, head in his hands as he looks down breathing heavily.

"Who was she?" Brian asks sighing beside him, his best friend looking completely destroyed. "I don't even know her name" Shawn says looking up, his eyes getting red as he rubs them.

"Shawn I have to ask but does it look like what it is?" Brian raises an eyebrow. Shawn stares for a second then sadly nods, he gets up pacing the room.

"And are you still with Athena?"

"Athena" he says under his breath. Her gorgeous face, cute nose, plump lips consuming his vision. "Are you?" Brian asks again.

"Dammit" He grabs the lamp throwing it with full force against the wall. "Calm down" Brian gets up shoving Shawn's shoulders back

"Calm down?" Shawn spits. "Sit down and we're going to talk about this" Brian says sternly pointing to the bed. Shawn sits rocking back and forth.

"I cheated" the poisonous words leave his mouth like a sinful prayer.

"I fucking cheated" he sobs, his breathing out of control now, he gasps for air. Brian sits next to him rubbing his back.

"Shawn, deep breathes mate" he says taking out his phone to call Andrew.

"She's gonna hate me" he cries loudly, his heart thumps with anxiety as he hiccups making his shoulders move up and down.
"She texted me, she loves me and I ignored it twice Bri because I fucking forget and then slept with some random girl" he weeps, his voice broken and defeated.

"Brian what happ-"

Andrew spots Shawn his shoulders dropping. Teddy and Ryan behind him.

"Andrew I-i" Shawn gets up placing his hands on Andrews shoulders. "What happened Shawn?" Andrew asks calmly, well as calm as he could, seeing Shawn so panicked was hard for all of them.

"I cheated on Athena" he cries falling on to his knees, completely vulnerable as he weeps on his knees thinking how he could do this to the girl he loves.

They all look between each other and Brian nods at Andrew. Andrew kneels in front of him placing a hand on shoulder.

"Does she know?" Andrew asks. Shawn shakes his head no, his cries getting louder.

A phone rings making him hiccup as he tries to quieten down. Brian takes his phone out sighing.

"It's her" Brian says. Shawn looks up to him with pleading eyes. "Don't Brian" he whispers.

"If she calls again, it's important she never rings more than once unless she needs it" Shawn says wiping his eyes but the hot tears don't stop.

The phone rings louder again, Brian lets out a breath then answers putting it on loud.

"Hi Brian" her cheerful voice loud and clear. Shawn pulls his sleeve over his hand bringing it up to his mouth to muffle his cries.

"Hi Athena, what's up?" Brian asks, looking down at his phone not being able to face Shawn.

"Oh nothing, I just have a break at work. How is everyone?" She asks.

"We're all good, how are you?"

"I'm good, kinda tired I couldn't sleep without Shawn" she laughs making Shawn heart skip a beat. "so I called Shawn like four times but he didn't answer, is he busy? I feel bad for bothering him" her voice so sweet and innocent. She had no idea.

"Oh erm sh-Shawn?" Brian asks filled with nerves as he stutters. "Yeah Shawn" Athena giggles "you know curly hair, tall, kinda cute". Shawn could practically see the smile on her face as she spoke making her feel even more guilty.

"A-Athena he's erm y-you know-"

"Hey Athena" Andrew takes the phone. "Hey Andrew, is Brian okay? He sounded kinda upset" Athena asks confused to what's going on.

"Yeah he's fine, just missing his parents" Andrew says shrugging saying the first thing he could think off. "Ohh, I hope he's okay. Erm Andrew where's Shawn? He won't answer his phone, is he busy?" She asks.

Andrew looks down at Shawn seeing him leaning in to teddy's body as she bushes him whilst he cries.

"He's just been at rehearsals and stuff, a lot of interviews you know"

"I though he went to Zedds concert yesterday" she says. "Yeah he did, he had press all morning and we're just going now to another interview" Andrew says quickly.

"Can I talk to him is he near you? I just miss him" her voice now quiet. Andrew looks at Shawn seeing him looking up.

Andrew mutes the call. "You wanna talk to her?" He asks. "Should I?" Shawn asks.

"Keep it short, we're dealing with this later" Andrew passes him the phone.

Shawn unmutes it looking down at the phone. "Andrew are you still there? I only have a couple minutes left on my break" she laughs. Oh her sweet laugh.

"Hi love" Shawn croaks. "Hey, I miss you handsome" she giggles.

"I m-miss you too" he sniffles trying to stop his cries. "It's so weird with out you, I accidentally ordered twice as much as food, you know the that rice you normally get and I get the noodles and we half" she says making his heart clench.

"Oh Athena" he sighs letting out a sob. Ryan quickly takes the phone taking it off loud holding it up to his ear.

"Shawn what happened?" She asks worriedly. "Hi Athena, it's Ryan we'll call back later it's kinda loud and busy here bye" he ends the call quickly.

Athena looks down at her phone completely confused to what just happened. Felling a weird vibe even through the tone of the call.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now