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After last night Shawn completely passed out, it was a long night of drinking, attempted dancing, singing and avoiding girls who were too flirty with him.

He groans turning away so his back faces the window where Andrew stands pulling the curtains open. "Shawn get up buddy! It's three pm" Andrew laughs.

"What the fuck three pm? How?" Shawn rubs his eyes sitting up grabbing his phone, he looks down seeing two calls from Athena and a text.

Athena: missed you not sleeping beside me! Love you ❤️x

A smile falls on his face but before he can reply Andrew grabs his phone throwing it to the side. "Shawn I'm being serious now get up, we have to go meet with Zedd before the performance to discuss the remix and then we actually have to go see him perform" Andrew says walking away. "Be ready in ten minutes or there's no remix on the table" he shouts walking away.

Shawn quickly gets up getting ready. He does everything he needs to do then walks out the door forgetting his phone.
"We have a deal Shawn! I have some recordings I'll send you, tell me what you think yeah" Zedd shakes Shawn's hand. "I can't wait, I've never done something like this" Shawn smiles.

"It's gonna be great, your fans will go crazy" Zedd pats Shawn back. "Now I have to go rehearse, see you there tonight yeah" they both hug and get on their way.

Shawn walks back to their rental car getting in the passenger side as Brian drives. "How was it?" Brian asks.

"Really good, the remix should be out around September" Shawn says putting his hand in his pocket to grab his phone. "Brian have you seen my phone?" He asks feeling around his pockets.

"No did you leave it in there?" Brian asks.

"No, I think it's at the hotel. Shit" he groans.  "We don't have time to go back, Andrew will kill us. Is it urgent?"

"I forget to text Athena back" he sighs running a hand through his soft curls. "I'm sure she'll understand, just text her when you get back" Brian says and Shawn nods.
Shawn claps whilst nodding kinda moving to the beat whilst watching Zedd perform backstage. "Hey great show right?" A girl approaches Shawn. He turns around smiling and nods.

"Yeah it is" he stops clapping using his hand to fix his hair. "It's kinda hot here right, all these people" she laughs moving back putting her bag down, she reaches for the hem of her jumper pulling it over her arms revealing a red tube top.

Geoff looks over at Shawn sending him a look, Shawn just nods like everything was okay. "You were at the club yesterday right?" She asks shoving her jumper in her bag then moves her hand across her exposed her chest in attempt to make Shawn look.

"Erm yeah, I don't remember you" he says folding his arms at his chest. "Probably because of how drunk you got" she giggles moving her hair behind her shoulder. "You're a cute drunk curly" she bites down on her bottom lip.

Shawn laughs nervously as she moves closer. "Nice shirt" her hand reaches forward rubbing his arm up and down. "You go gym?" She asks bathing her eyelashes as she squeezes his arms moving closer so her chest brushes his arm.

"Yeah I do" he mutters looking down at her. "My eyes are up here hottie" she laughs, her light eyes moving from his lips to his eyes.

"I know" Shawn laughs moving a step back. She moves closer, "then stop looking down unless you wanna see" she attempts to say in a sultry tone.

"I have a girlfriend" Shawn says taking her hand to move it. "I don't see her and she doesn't have to know"
Athena walks in to the empty condo, the only sound was the clicking of her heels and the sound her breathing. She pulls her phone out of her bag looking to see that Shawn had already seen her text but ignored it, thinking he was busy she ignored it but sent another message.

Athena: good night love xx

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now