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Athena laid her head on Shawn's chest, his arm around her body and the tow looked up at the ceiling. She felt warm and safe. He felt the same but it was eating him up, his dirty secret.

"Shawn I'm so excited to go away with you, see you perform for millions of people and just have fun with you" she says interlocking their hands.

"We can watch the sunset everywhere we go, try new stuff together and do you think Josiah will take photos for us? I want them as mem-"

"I cheated" Shawn blurts out, his eyes squeezing shut as he braces himself for her words. He open his eyes then feels hot tears run down his face.

"I knew it, there was no way you could've won I had more properties" Athena giggles. "But it's okay, I forgive you especially after that" she says squeezing his hand bringing it up to kiss his knuckles.

"You know I think that was the best we had, it was filled with love as cheesy as it sounds. I love you Shawn, I really do" Athena says turning around to face him. She rests her elbows on the ground and puts her head in her hands looking down at him.

He starts crying harder. "Oh baby why are you crying?" Her voice filled with worry, wiping his tears with her delicate touch. "You shouldn't love me" he cries making her face fall to a frown.

"Don't say that, I love you more than anything." She whispers going down to peck his lips. He slowly sits up and she follows pulling the sheets up to her chest.

"I-I cheated on you" he says again feeling a pang in his hurt, like he had just been crushed under the hands of a giant. "Shawn, no. No you didn't. This is a joke right?" She says placing a hand on his cheek, hoping he would just stop crying to tell her this wasn't a real, to tell her what she heard wasn't true.

"Oh I love you, I really do Athena" he cries pressing his forehead against her. "Shawn tell me" she whispers not wanting to let herself cry, it can't have been true.

"In LA, two days ago when you called Brian. I had kicked her out. I swear to god I don't know who she was or even her name" he says wiping his eyes but his tears still run.

Athena moves back getting up, she couldn't control her body when she grabbed her clothes and got dressed in silence. She sat down back on the bed feeling empty. "Is it supposed to make me feel better that you don't know her?" She asks her eyes pricking with tears.

"No but Athena I want you to know it meant nothing and that I love you" Shawn sits beside her placing a hand on her leg. She gets up quickly wiping her face. "Are you joking?" She gulps. Shawn stays silence looking down at his hands.

"B-but I thought you loved me" she begins crying, letting out small hiccups as she tries to stop. "I do, oh god I love you so much that I can't explain it, you know I love you Athena" he gets up grabbing his clothes to put on.

"Was it worth it?" She asks looking down at her hands as she cries quietly. Shawn kneels in front of her taking her hands but she pulls back. His eyes watching her cry made him cry even more.

"No, of course it wasn't. I want to take it back a million times Athena. I love you and my actions were completely disgusting but I need you to know that it didn't mean anything" Shawn says. Athena sniffles looking away from him.

How could you cheat on someone you love?

"B-but I thought you were g-going to propose" she sobs putting her head in her hands as she begins sobbing even louder. Shawn grows confused not knowing where she got the idea from or when he ever mentioned it.

"I wasn't going to propose Athena" he says making her shoot up. "You wasn't? But what about the big thing you had planned?" She asks standing up. "What big thing? Where did you here this?" He asks following her to the bathroom where she's washing her face.

"From Yvette, do you not love me? I need to know shawn because I love you so much and I don't want to be with you if you can't love me back" She grabs a towel to dry her face.

"I do love you for gods sake!" He shouts making her jump. "But I was never going to propose! I bought an apartment for us in New York so you could be closer to your family but you were already planning on moving weren't you? I heard you on the phone, you were going to leave me!" His voice getting even louder, Athena walks away going back to the bedroom.

"Never?" She asks. "So this was pointless, you fooled me in to loving you" She sobs.

"And don't turn this around on me, you cheated on me you dick! You don't cheat on someone you love that's just wrong, how can you show me endless amounts of devotion then sleep with another woman?" Her voice quietening down as she wipes her face.

"You were going to leave me!" He shouts, he couldn't control his body anymore and his arms went up to push her back. Athena tightly closes her eyes then looks up at him with fear in her eyes.

"No I didn't mean that, please Athena" he inches closer to her. "Don't come near me, I was never going to leave you Shawn, I turned down the biggest opportunity of my life just to be with you" she says walking away from him.

"I am devoted to you Athena Elle Carter, my devotion towards you is something that is endless, I want you and only you! We need to forget this so we can move on and you never told me about this so called opportunity" he says turning to face her.

"How can I forget?" She asks moving closer to him. "When I look at you my mind blurs and I see you with another woman, you're disgusting Shawn Mendes!" She sobs hitting her fists on his chest but he doesn't move. "I hate you" she repeats in a mantra.

Shawn holds her wrists and wraps his arms around her, taking the chance as it might be the last time. "Why did you do it?" She cries in to his chest. "Why?" She weeps.

He blinks a few times and lets the tears rolls down his face knowing that he's lost her. "I hate you, you just told me you loved me and we had sex, god I feel so dirty" she cries again moving back.

"I'm sorry Athena I really am but if you love me you'll forgive me and we can move on" he pleads.

"Don't use that bullshit on me, I do love you and you broke our trust. If you can cheat once you can do it again" she says grabbing her bag.

"No don't go" He takes her bag putting it back on the bed. "Do you still love me?" His voice cracks.

"I'm leaving, I'm going back to New York don't follow me there please and don't go back to the house tonight I need to pack my stuff" she tells him avoiding his question, she wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. She grabs her bag shoving past Shawn not being able to look him in the eyes.

"So now you're leaving me?" He asks making her turn around.

"I am, you did this Shawn. I still love you but I can't stand the thought of you being with someone else when you say you love me and have clear devotion for me" her shoulders relax and she lets out a shaky breath.

She didn't even say goodbye she simply looked at him through her blurred vision for the last time then walked out the door.

Devotion wasn't a strong enough suit for them, the desire to be with someone that you completely devote everything to them wasn't enough. The love and loyalty was too hard to maintain for them to feel the pure need of devotion.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now