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Athena and Camille were busy in the kitchen, Athena busy on dessert and Camille busy on the chicken, a lot of people were coming over and Athena was so nervous. Despite the fact she had been reassuring Shawn all week that they would be fine, she woke up this morning with a pit in her stomach. They had both decided to skip class today and Friday and do work from home.

"Athena!" Camille shouts "oh god, please just go sit down or something you almost cut yourself" Camille says taking the knife out of her hands. "Cami I'm fine they'll be here soon" she shrugs maintaining her calm persona.

The doorbell rings making Athena jump "it might be Shawn" Camille says making her nod and she walk to the door opening it. "Athena darling" her mum engulfs her in a hug. "You look stressed" she laughs "I'm fine mum" she says.

"Oh honey! I missed you" her dad exclaims hugging her tightly, Athena looks at her mum and she mouths 'I didn't tell him sorry'

"Hi dad, I missed you" she says in to his shoulder then he pulls back. "Oh my god James" she shrieks taking taking the baby from Theo. "Oh hi sis, nice to acknowledge your brothers. We missed you too" Sam says walking past her patting her back and Theo follows "hi Athena" he smiles.

"I missed you guys too" she yells as they walk away. "Oh my god hi Poppy and Sydney" Athena kisses them on the cheek still holding James in her arms. "Hi" they both say.

"Cami is in the kitchen" Athena says to poppy, poppy leaves making her way to the kitchen. "Don't mind Theo, he's just tired James cried all through the plane ride" Sydney says walking in. Athena follows her mumbling that's okay.

Everyone gets seated in her living room chatting amongst themselves. "Athena are you inviting someone else?" Her mum says to her sending her look that it would be the best time to mention Shawn.

"Yeah he's coming soon" she says sitting on the floor setting James down. "He?" Her dad says.
"Yes daddy 'he'" she says looking down at James who's crawling around.

"Well this is already a bad impression because he's late" her dad scoffs sitting back adjusting the sleeves of his white shirt.

"Richard" her mum whisper yells nudging him. "So who is he?" Sydney asks tearing her. "He's erm" she looks at her dad afraid of his reaction then looks at her mum who's giving her a smile "my boyfriend" she finally says.

"Oh hell no" Sam says sitting forward. "Yeah I don't agree with this" Theo joins in. "Oh god, Athena why?" Her dad mutters.

"Calm down boys, she already told me and I'm completely fine with it. So fix your attitude and be nice to this boy" her mum says giving Athena a sense of hope.

"But Elle you know-" her dad begins but Athena's mum cuts him off "Richard stop" she sends him a stern look.

"But mum none of us have met this boy it's so sudden" Sam says "Sam Jones Carter, if you don't shut it. If I hear another complain we're leaving. Everyone be nice to this boy" her mother warns them making them nod.

Athena smiles at her mum, at least she has someone on her side. "Don't worry, my dad was like this when I introduced Theo" Sydney whispers to Athena sitting beside her putting James in her lap. Athena nods taking it all in.

"I've met him, he's really nice Mr and Mrs Carter" Camille says happily. "Dear how many times it's Richard and Elle and I'll take your word for it" Athena's mum says.

The doorbell rings and Athena shoots it running to the door. She opens it revealing Shawn in a Black shirt tucked in to his black jeans holding a bouquet of sunflowers. Athena wraps her arms around his neck hugging tightly, he moves back slightly then laughs holding her with one arm. "Babe I can't breath" he chokes out making her laugh pulling back.

"Sorry" she mumbles. "It's okay, you look pretty" he says putting a hand on her waist admiring her blush pink dress. "You look really good" she tells him biting her lip. Shawn leans down kissing her lips harshly making her whimper she pushes him back blushing. "My family are already here" she says and he nods "oh okay, yeah we probably should do that" he laughs nervously.

She grabs his hand leading him to the living room where everyone stops talking and looks at them seeing Shawn stood behind Athena. Her mum gets up smiling "hi it's so lovely to meet you, I'm Elle Athena's mum" her mum pulls Shawn in to a hug making him let go of Athena. "Hi I'm Shawn, I got you these" he holds out the sunflowers. "Oh thank you so much dear, these are my favourite" she smiles taking them from Shawn.

"I know, Athena told me" Shawn smiles down at Athena seeing her nervously chew on her bottom lip. "Hi Shawn, I'm Sam" her brother shakes his hand firmly and Shawn says hi back also introducing himself to Theo, Sydney and Poppy.

"Hi Mr Carter, it's nice to meet you" Shawn smiles pulling out his hand. "You're dating my daughter huh" Her dad says patting his back ignoring the hand in front of him. "Yes I am" Shawn says. "You be careful kid" Her dad sits back down leaving Shawn awkwardly. Athena grabs his hand pulling him to sit down next to her on the sofa.

She squeezes his hand sending him a small smile. "You'll be fine" she whispers to him as everyone talks amongst themselves. Shawn nods looking down at her "I hope so" he mumbles.

Shawn felt wrong, like he didn't feel wanted in this situation which made him ten times more nervous.
Lmao I feel like this book is moving very slow. Please comment your opinions it really helps! x

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