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October 31st
Camille was in Athena's room along with their other girl friends, Lilly, Savannah and Hannah. The five girls were getting ready for the party which was starting at eight and it was currently half six.

"Thena your phone is ringing" Savannah holds up her phone "it's Shawn can I answer" Savannah says excitedly, the girls surround Athena's phone making her laugh. "Okay but put it on loud" Athena says.

Savannah nods holding up the phone in the circle they had formed. "Hey Athena, I miss you" Shawn's voice comes through the phone. All the girls awh making Athena blush, "hey Shawn it's Savannah, Athena's friend. She misses you too you're all she talks about" Savannah says, Shawn laughs nervously.

"Oh hi Savannah, I hope she says all good things" Shawn chuckles, "Yeah she does like how sweet you are and how you smell good and ho-" Athena grabs the phone taking it off speaker.

"Okay that's enough" she laughs leaving the room holding up her phone. "Hey Shawn" she smiles whilst talking.

"Hey this is you now right"

"Yeah it's me and I miss you too" she laughs

"Which part of me? You miss how sweet I am or you miss my smell"

"Okay okay you can stop now, the girls were just having their fun, anyway what are you doing now?" She asks sitting on the stairs.

Shawn looks around the entrance of the club sighing, "I'm just at my hotel room, trying to write some more"

"Oh I hope you're having fun"

"I wish I was having fun with you"

"Shawn" she screeches.

"Wait not like that! Well maybe like that. I mean like I wish I was with you" he chuckles.

"Yeah me too"

"Athena come on, some people are arriving earlier so let me do your makeup" Hannah yells from her room.

"I guess you have to go" Shawn says

"Yeah I'll call you tomorrow morning"

"Okay send me pictures of your costume, have a good night"

"I'll post on Instagram you can see them there and you too"

"Okay bye"

"Bye shawn" She ends the call getting up going back to her room where she sees all the girls grinning. "You guys heard it all huh?" She asks walking over to her bed.

"I can't believe you guys aren't dating yet, you sound like a couple plus your completely crazy for him" Camille says whilst straightening her hair. "I know right" Athena mumbles.

"Okay come on let's party" Lilly yells pulling Athena up from the bed.
"Happy birthday Cami" everyone yells as she walks down the stairs. "Thanks everyone and happy Halloween, let's get fucking drunk" she yells before walking to the middle of the room.

"Hey Athena! Great costume" Myles says, "thanks, you too" she smiles sipping her drink. Suddenly Myles gets pushed in to Athena, his hands hold her waist so she doesn't fall back. She instantly shuffled out of his grip. "Wow calm down Athena, you could've fallen over" Myles says.

"Yeah sorry" she mumbles looking down embarrassed, "it's okay, let's dance yeah" she nods moving to the music dancing with Myles. His hands go to her waist as she moves her hips, she laughs feeling tipsy taking up as much room as possible dancing along to loud music.

Myles moves closer to her, Athena looks up at his lips then leans in closer. "Athena hey! Come dance with me!" Camille yells grabbing Athena moving her away. "What were you doing?!" Cami shouts over the loud music going to the back garden.

"I- I don't know" Athena stutters realising what she was about to do. "It's not like I'm with Shawn" she shrugs. Camille sighs looking at her sad posture. "Listen to me Miss Carter! Shawn is head over heels for you trust me you don't want to fuck this up okay, you're happy" Camille tells her holding her shoulders.

"Thank you Miss Collins" Athena laughs making Camille giggle. "I can't mess this up" she shakes her head. "Okay now that's over let's enjoy your fucking birthday" Athena yells grabbing cami back on to the dance floor.

All night Athena had fun with her friends, dancing away, eating cake and even falling in to the bushes. However Shawn tried to have good time, he did go to the party trying not get spotted but when there's a party there's photos, he doesn't know why he lied to Athena but he did feeling like it would hurt her.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now