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Athena rushes around the bedroom getting ready and accidentally drops her phone making Shawn wake up. "Hey what are you doing?" He asks her watching her rush to put her shoes on.

"I really have to go in school today" she says keeping it short. "Can't you stay please?" Shawn begs sitting up.

"No I'm really sorry, my attendance is falling and they kick you out if it goes lower than a certain percent" she explains grabbing her jacket then she rushes over to his side bending down. 

"Why don't you go to the studio today? I'll be back at like four"

"Yeah I might" he groans then pulls Athena down for a kiss. "I'll text you when I'll be back. Bye baby" she pecks his lips one more then rushes out.

"I love you" he yells. "I love you more" she shouts back laughing then goes down to shout a taxi.

Shawn stays in bed for a while then decides to call his team for a quick session deciding they should meet at Shawn's condo.

"Miss Carter, principal Johnson would like a word" Athena looks up form her desk and nods getting up avoiding Camille as much as she could.

Athena knocks on the door waiting for someone to call her in. "Come in" the deep voice shouts. She walks in greeting the old man with a smile. "Morning sir"

"Morning Miss Carter, please sit" he gestures to the chair opposite his desk.

"Is everything okay sir?" She asks gulping.

"Miss Carter, you're a wonderful student and I hear a lot about how you are succeeding in class but I've noticed something" he pauses clearing his throat. "Your attendance has dropped to 76% from September and we are in January. You've missed more than ten classes and you have recently not been up to date with work." He explains nudging his glasses up his nose.

"Sir, I can catch up and I'm sorry for my attendance" she says filled with worry.

"Miss Carter I know your father payed a lot of money for you to attend here but I'm sorry I can't keep you here much longer." He sighs.

"But I'll catch up and I won't miss another class again I promise. I'll work harder than before just please don't kick me out" she pleads moving forward on her seat.

"I'm really sorry Athena but we have students lining up for a place here who won't make silly mistakes. I'm sorry Miss Carter but we have to let you go"

Athena's eyes prick with tears, she looks down at her lap then back up. "I understand" she says with a shaky voice then gets up.

"Athena I can still write you an amazing letter of recommendation. It was a pleasure having you here" he nods at her and she nods then leaves the room.

She makes her way out the building then begins crying as soon as she gets outside. She cries quietly in to her hands, how was she going to tell her dad?

"Athena" a voice yells making her look up and quickly wipe her eyes. "Lilly" Athena breathes out.

"Wait were you crying?" Lilly asks placing a hand at her shoulder. "No"

"Athen you can tell me, don't worry I'm not mad at you or anything like cami" Lilly says.

"I got kicked out" Athena shrugs sadly. "You wanna talk about it?" Lilly asks. Athena nods at her sending her a small smile.

"Tomorrow meet me for lunch okay, I'm meeting Ethan right now"

"Okay I'll text you" Athena nods then hugs Lilly tightly. "I'll see you tomorrow yeah" Lilly says whilst walking away.
Athena makes it back to Shawn's and takes three deep breathes before opening the door. She hears loud laughing and music playing, she follows the noise in to the living room seeing Shawn playing the guitar and everyone stood around drinking beer and working.

"You're back!" Shawn yells as soon as he notices Athena. He puts his guitar down then walks over to her giving her a hug.

"What's going on?" She whispers in his ear. "I didn't want to go to the studio so I just invited the guys here" he shrugs as he lets go of her.

"Oh okay, I'm gonna go to bed"

"But it's only five pm" Shawn says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well I'm tired" she shoots back. "Okay I was just saying, why don't you stay here for a bit" Shawn asks her.

"I don't want to" she says. "Is everything okay?" Shawn asks her seeing a change in her mood, he had never seen her annoyed or angry.

"Yes I'm fine" she sighs then leans up pecking his lips. "Just tired babe" she forces a smile. "Okay I'll let you sleep and we'll keep it quiet for you love" he says kissing her back.

Athena walks away from Shawn the goes to his room getting in bed without having the effort to get changed or even take her make up off. She begins crying quietly thinking over how her dad will react or what she'll even do from now.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now