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Shawn followed Athena upstairs, he was still confused about what just happened and was unsure if he should ask her anything.

"Your room is nice" Shawn compliments as she shuts the door sitting on her bed "you've seen it before" she smiles up at him. He sits beside her and nods remembering. "Yeah but I didn't get to look around" he states making her laugh.

"Look around then" she says playfully, "I will, I just need to do something first" he turns towards her leaning to kiss her, she kisses back holding his face in her hands. Pulling back he smiles down at her "I'll look around now" Shawn gets up walking towards her desk.

"You're so organised" he says as he looks over her desk, his finger touching the surface "yeah I guess i am" she sat up on the bed watching Shawn as he looked over her room.

"Who are these people?" He asks holding up a frame "it's my dad, mum and two brothers" Shawn nods looking over the picture then putting it down to sit next to her. "Tell me about them" his arm goes around her shoulder pulling her in so her head is on his chest. Both their legs stretched out in front of them as their backs rest against the pillows.

"Erm okay, well my mum, Lilly owns her own boutique where she sells custom dresses, shoes, bags I loved going there as a child it was so... girly" she laughs causing Shawn to smile. "And my dad, Grant he used to be a formula one racer" she says.

"Wow that's so cool" Shawn says completely amazed. "Yeah well he stopped a few years ago because he got in to an accident and my mum said if he got on the track again she would leave him, it was a horrible accident. He listened to my mum and stopped, he now teaches young racers and funds the racing which is kinda cool I guess" she shrugs.

She looks up at Shawn "what?" He asks, "I'm not boring you am I cause I'll stop".

"No no I want to know, carry on tell me about your brothers" he smiles wide which encourages her to carry on, she rests her head back on his shoulder before she begins again.

"The eldest Theo, he's married and has a baby boy called James, he's the cutest baby ever. Well Theo is an English teacher, he met his wife Liv at fifteen and he proposed to her at twenty. He's twenty five now and I can tell he still loves her like he did when he was fifteen" Athena smiles as she tells the story, she's a hopeless romantic, she can only dream of a love so strong.

"And then it's Sam my other brother, he's 23 making me the youngest. He's a racer like my dad was and also a gym freak" she laughs. "He always looks out for me, he always used to drive me to school, to the shops even around the corner he's so protective over me, I guess James is too actually. Well Sam is dating Cami's older sister Poppy, she's so pretty and nice I wonder how she ended up with my brother" Shawn chuckles at her comment.

"They sound so nice, your family" Shawn says, she smiles and nods "they are they always look out for me especially cause I'm the youngest, but don't get me wrong they have their flaws" she says sadly.

"You can't tell me if you want"

"Okay but I'll keep it simple" she clears her throat "my dad he erm hasn't always been the most supportive, when it came to boys that I liked, he erm hated Myles for so long then my mum, he always listens to my mum, she told my dad that I loved him and she would spend ages just trying to convince him that Myles was a good guy and when he finally started to like him me and Myles broke up" her voice was sad but she carried on and Shawn listened.

"Then when it came to me studying fashion, he thought it was useless. I studied medicine for three months then dropped out and he got really angry which is one of the reasons I moved here, I told him I didn't like it and I was now studying fashion. He didn't like it at first but I think he's warming up to the idea" she says with a slight smile.

"I love him even though all of that, my mum tells me that he still supports me but he just has to 'get his head out of his arse' my mum actually said that" she laughs a little and so does Shawn.

"We have a really strong relationship even though we all live so far, my parents and Theo live in New York, I live here in Canada and Sam lives in LA. We meet up for holidays sometimes." She shrugs.

She looks up at Shawn again "I'm sorry for boring you I'll stop" he shakes his head no "no, I like hearing you talk about your family it's cute" she giggles and kisses his cheek.

"Anything else you want to know?" She asks playfully

"Tell me about this Myles guy" her smile fades suddenly and she doesn't feel like talking anymore. "Myles?" He nods making her sigh. "Okay well he's my ex" she says nonchalantly.

"Yeah I know that but what else?" Shawn just wanted to know because before when Cami mentioned his name she got so sad all of a sudden and he was intrigued.

"Okay so I met him when I was sixteen so like two years ago. We stayed friends for like a year which was great, he always had my back, always making me laugh and smile when I was sad. He eventually asked me out and we dated for a year, he always used to say it was two years since we met the year before and it felt like we were. He was the first boy I ever loved, he left me." He voice cracks saying the words.

"He stopped calling me and stopped visiting me and I thought maybe he just needs space so I let him have it. He came to see me like once a week and acted like nothing happened. I thought one day that I should go see him, so I went to his house and an old lady answered the door and asked if I was Athena, I said yeah and she handed me a letter saying I should read it when I get home." She stops thinking about the memory not wanting to cry.

"I remember running home and up to my room, I ripped open the letter, it was from him, he explained that he had moved and if he saw me it would be harder for him, he said he will always love me and that he was sorry he left me. I remember I was crying in my room and my brother walked in, he read the letter and told my dad, my mum and Sam.
Theo he called Myles and threatened him I didn't even have the energy to tell him stop. I wanted to call him so I did and he told me he would call me everyday but after that he blocked me, he told all my friends not to mention him in front of me, he even sent me flowers on my birthday and told me to forget him" a tear slipped down her cheek and she stopped talking her her throat getting dry.

"Athena, I'm sorry I made you tell me" Shawn says wiping her tear. "I'm so sorry"

"That's why I don't want to see him, I'm finally happy, my family supports me, I live with my best friend, I'm studying the thing I love and you're here"

Shawn smiles softly at her, he tucks some hair behind her ear and kisses her damp cheek "I'm sorry for laying all that on you" her eyes gaze in to his, "it's okay I asked for it" he says.

"Hey maybe you should meet up with him" the words that come out of Shawn's mouth shock her. "What?!"

"See what he wants, tell him how much he hurt you and finish it off with him that way you can forget about him and start again with out thinking about him" Shawn wasn't even sure why he was saying this.

"Okay, maybe I will" she says with a light smile.

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