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Shawn and Athena walk in to a small studio greeted by a few familiar faces, the car ride was awkward, Athena thought it was because Shawn was jealous of Blake or maybe not, she also didn't want to say anything not wanting to mention what Claudia had said. Shawn thought he had done something wrong and she just wasn't interested anymore. The both of them didn't want to address the silence.

"Shawn" Zubin yells making all faces turn to him and Athena "hey man, you guys ready" Shawn smiles doing the bro hug to all of them, Athena just stands at the door awkwardly.

"Hey, it's Athena right" Brian says, "Yeah we've met before" she smiles.

"Hi Athena" all the boys sync together making her laugh. "Hi" she squeaks waving at all of them.

"Okay lets get started" Shawn claps his hands together and they walk towards the small set up expect for Brian who sits on a small sofa beside them watching as they set up. Athena decides to sit next to him not knowing what else what to do. She pulls out her phone and decides to respond to Blake.

Athena: hey it's Athena, I probably should put a password on my phone so creeps like you don't put their numbers in my phone 🙄

She shuts her phone placing it on her lap and she watches Shawn walk up to the mic, he does a few warm ups and his voice sounded amazing, Shawn looks up from the mic at Athena, she sends him a warm smile "you sound amazing" she yells a little so he could hear her. "Thanks I'm gonna sing a few songs in a bit" he tells her then takes a sip of water.

Shawn smiles at mike giving him a nod "what you smiling at mendes?" Mike teases, "Nothing  lets do more warm ups" he quickly turns back around to the mic.

"So are you not in the band?" Athena asks Brian not wanting it to be awkward, "Oh no, I'm Shawn's friend, I help backstage sometimes" he shrugs putting his phone down to give her his full attention.

"Are you and Shawn like a thing?" Brian asks, instantly her cheeks heat up. "Oh I erm don't know" a sad smile crept on her face.

"Can I ask you something and you can't tell Shawn?" Brian nods "I mean if it's something I need to tell him I will" Brian says.

"So I met Claudia" she begins "god I hate her" Brian mumbles making her giggle.
"She said something to me about, Well you know" she trails off.

Brian furrows his eyebrows "erm I don't know actually" he laughs "don't worry I won't say anything to Shawn" he reassures her.

"She said I'm Shawn's fake girlfriend, I'm a piece of eye candy" she lets out and Brian nods. "I'm going to be honest with you Okay" Athena nods at him quickly swallowing so she can take in wherever he's about to say.

"Shawn's management were looking for a girl for him but he denied everyone, he said he wants something real. Then he met you and I can assure you he doesn't have bad intentions with you, he's a good guy Athena. He's head over heels for you and you're not even dating yet" he chuckles at the end.

Athena breaths in calmly, Brian reassured her completely, "that Claudia is a right bitch, don't listen to anything she says. She licks Shawn's arse to get on his good side but she's a real snake" Athena laughs at what Brian had just said.

"Thanks for telling me, I feel... better now" she smiles at him. "No problem, you're a nice girl Shawn's lucky" he tells her making her blush.

Shawn looks over whilst his warm ups finish, he looses his thoughts focusing on Athena and how she's laughing with Brian.

"Shawn! You okay man" Zubin asks snapping Shawn out of his stare. "Yeah, can we just sit and discuss instead" Shawn says with with a small voice. Zubin looks over to Eddy who just nods noticing a quick change in Shawn.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now