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Athena made her way back to Camille, fidgeting with her hands as she knocked on the door waiting.

"Athena?" Camille furrows her eyebrows stepping outside. "You got my letter didn't you" Athena nods looking in to her blue eyes.

"Shawn didn't tell me he saw you yesterday" she shrugs. "he only asked me to move in with him yesterday"

"I got all your stuff delivered so that shouldn't be a problem." Camille say with no emotion but inside she was dying to hug her best friend. "Camille, I don't hate you. I forgive you I really do" Athena nods trying to stop her tears.

"And I know Shawn probably made it seem like I do but I really don't"

Camille steps forward engulfing her in a hug. "I'm really sorry Athena I really am. I talked to Myles and we both felt bad, he's scared to even talk to you" Camille mumbles into Athena's jacket.

"He's scared?" Athena asks pulling away. Camille nods sadly "he doesn't want to ruin anything between you and Shawn, he told me he's going to keep his distance, to try to move on"

Athena sniffles looking down at her shoes "I feel so bad" she mumbles. "No don't feel bad, you can't help but love someone else" Camille tells her grabbing her hands.

"We good?" Athena nods sending Camille a small smile. "Erm Camille, I have moved in with Shawn but I'll try to see you as much as I can" Athena says with hope in her eyes.

"And I'll make time for you, I'm not letting Shawn steal you" Camille laughs. "You found a job yet?"

Athena shakes her head no. "No but I'm going to call this lady who gave me her card, so I hope it works out"

"And how about you Shawn? Everything okay?"

"I love him, I really do." She smiles. "We just argued and I left, I told him he ruined my friendship with you"

"Athena go home, make things right. He made me realise I'm a shitty friend" Camille shrugs.

"Okay, text me yeah" Athena hugs Camille then walks to her car smiling.
"Oh there you are" Shawn gets up pulling Athena in to a hug as soon as she enters the bedroom. Athena hugs him back leaning her head on his chest.

"I wasn't leaving Shawn" she mumbles into his shirt then looks up at him. "I'm really sorry" Shawn kisses her forehead bringing a hand up to her hair. "It's okay, I went to go see Camille. We're good" she can't help but smile.

"I'm glad and I promise I won't interfere again" Shawn nods. Athena pecks his lips softly. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, I'm really sorry Shawn"

"It's okay love" he kisses her forehead again making her smile. "Your not mad at me?" She asks, Shawn shakes his head no "are you mad at me?"

She shakes her head no. "Okay that's good" he lifts her up putting her down on the bed as she giggles, "now we can make out" he winks then his lips meet her neck.
Shawn traces his finger on her shoulder, looking down at her plump lips. He leans down pecking her lips multiple times, she pushes him away laughing. "Let me kiss you" He groans pinning her down.

"You just have been for like the past two hours" she laughs pushing him again. "So?"

"Let me rest" she sighs. "Okay okay" He moves closer to her throwing his leg over hers under the sheets bringing hand down to her bare stomach. She quickly grabs his hand pulling it up "Stop it" she tells him off.

"Whatever, miss moody" he groans playfully, nuzzling his head on her pillow. "Oh I know what I was forgetting" she laughs sitting up reaching to the side table.

"Wait what?"

"I need to call Yvette, I knew I had something to do" she pulls up her phone. "Wait so all this time you were thinking about Yvette?"

"Oh god no" Athena laughs. "I just remembered" she falls back beside Shawn.

"Are you calling right now? How are you so relaxed?" Shawn asks running a hand through her hair. "I am relaxed and I just want to call and it get done with" she pulls up her phone to her ear looking up at the ceiling.

"Good luck babe" Shawn kisses her cheek getting up. "Stay here" she calls making him look back. "I'll go make us some tea" he says putting on his sweats and walking out.

"Hello, This is Yvette"

"Hi, it's Athena from-"

"From the Armani event. How could I forget, you made quite an impression. How can I help?"

"Oh thank you. Yvette you gave me your business card and I would like to apply for a job any place you have free" Athena says nervously still looking up at the ceiling.

"I gave you my card for a reason darling, I'll schedule you an interview tomorrow if that's okay and is this your personal number?"

"Yeah, yes it is and thank you so much" she grins.

"I'll have my assistant text you a time and address, I look forward to seeing you and bring anything you'd like to show"

"Yeah I'll find something to bring, thank you so much"

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice evening Athena" she ends the call and Athena screams in excitement throwing her hands in the air.

"What happened?" Shawn rushes in seeing Athena still lying down. She sits up biting her bottom lip. "Wait" Shawn smirks sitting in front of her.

"I got an interview!" She grins. Shawn tackles her down smothering her in kisses. "Well done babe" he says between kisses.

"I don't have the job yet but the interview is tomorrow" she says as Shawn cups her cheeks looking straight at her. "I'm nervous" she laughs nervously holding on to Shawn's wrists.

"Nerves mean you care and I have a good feeling about this" he smirks.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now