Missing Halloween (pt.1)

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Not requested.

Ship: Platonic Prinxiety, Romantic Logicality

Category: Angst

Warnings: Bullying

Summary: 9-year-old Roman Sanders loves Halloween and his best friend, Virgil. But Virgil isn't quite what he seems to be.


Roman Sanders stared outside his window sadly, watching all the other kids and their friends chat excitedly about rapidly nearing holiday. Halloween was his favorite, with his birthday as a close second. Every year so far, he had dressed up as a knight, off to rescue people in distress. His dads pretended to be captured by the evil dragon witch, and he would save them! He was Knight Roman, savior of his kingdom and it's subjects.

This Halloween wasn't going to be any different, besides the fact he had decided to be a prince instead. He wore a white suit with golden accents, and a red sash draped over one shoulder. His hair was styled dashingly, but it had already been mussed by Patton twice, which wasn't a big concern for him. Logan had cooked dinner, then turned on the porch light so kids knew they had candy. Patton was currently filling up the candy bowl with every kind of candy with the exception of candy corn. That stuff was nasty.

"What's wrong?" Patton asked kindly, shaking the bag to empty the last bit of chocolate.

Roman sighed. "I can't find-" Suddenly his gaze locked on to his best friend outside, who was dressed in a black hoodie and holding a bag. Roman jumped up excitedly and exclaimed, "There he is!"

He raced outside without saying goodbye, pumpkin bag clutched in one hand. "Virgil!"

Inside the house, Patton looked out the window at his son and frowned slightly, but shook his head and set the candy bowl beside the door.

Virgil glanced over, a small smile gracing his features. He wore his typical black hoodie and black jeans, with dark eyeshadow circling beneath his hazel eyes. He didn't seemed to be dressed up as anything.

"Hey Virgil! I thought you wouldn't come!" Roman grinned, brown eyes wide and gleaming with happiness. "What are you going to be this year?"

"I'm a vampire, see?" Virgil said, opening his mouth to reveal a set of plastic fangs.

"Like last year?" Roman laughed. "I'm a prince!"

"Nice," Virgil said, lip quirked.

"Ro," Patton called. He held up a camera. "Smile!"

Roman turned around, slung his arm around Virgil, and grinned widely, white teeth reflecting the camera flash.

"Go have fun kiddo!" Patton said, as Roman and Virgil walked off down the street.

~Last Halloween~

Roman walked slowly up the stairs to his house, wincing with every step. His face was covered in bruises and he sported a black eye. His knees hurt from falling. Scratch that, he was pushed. The school bully, Dylan, never left him alone, even during Halloween. His knight costume was ripped in quite a few places, and his bag was near empty after spilling all over the ground.

His front door had a note pinned to it.

We're out getting groceries. Go play with your friends. We'll be back soon.

- Dads

Sighing, Roman tugged uselessly at the handle and checked underneath the door mat for a key before sitting down and pressing his back against the cool wood. He rested his chin in his hands dejectedly. Worst Halloween ever.

Several other kids crossed his line of sight, but no one drew his attention. He started noting the costumes boredly. Monster. Dinosaur. Ghost.

Until someone caught his eye.

A kid around his age stepped into view, dressed in a black hoodie and holding a purple sewn candy bag. He sat down on the curb, facing away from Roman.

He looks lonely, Roman thought absently. Like me.

Making up his mind, Roman stood up, grabbed his near-empty candy bag, and walked over. He sat himself down next to the kid, smiling widely.

Startled, the kid jumped and scooted away, sucking in a suprised breath.

"Sorry," Roman said. "You weren't with any friends, so I wanted to say hi."

The kid frowned slightly, but didn't leave. He bit his lip, then met Roman's gaze. His eyes were a warm hazel color.

"I'm Roman." Roman stuck out a hand.

The kid shook his hand tentatively. "Virgil." His voice was low and faint, nearly a whisper.

"What are you dressed as?" Roman questioned.

"A vampire," Virgil admitted softly, gaze cast downwards and cheeks tinted pink.

"Cool! I'm a knight!" Roman was suddenly quite aware of his disheveled appearance. He discreetly tried to rub the dirt from his sleeve, to no avail. Struck with an idea and abandoning his fruitless attempts at cleaning himself up, he dug through his bag and pulled out two pieces of candy. He held one out for Virgil, smiling.

Virgil frowned, eyeing his near empty bag. He shook his head. "You don't have very many."

"And you have none!" Roman refuted. "Take it. My dads have more anyway."

Virgil hesitated, but slowly unwrapped the candy and popped it into his mouth. Roman did the same. Smiling, Roman scooted closer so he could look at the message on Virgil's wrapper.

You found me.

Roman brandished his own for the other to see.

Forget dentists, I'm delicious!

Roman laughed.


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