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Not requested.

Ship: Romantic Analogical

Category: Fluff

Warnings: None

Summary: Logan loves Virgil. Not that he'll ever say it.


"Tell me a secret."

It's dark. The stars twinkle high above, their warmth not yet reaching the earth. Logan sits in the windowsill with his best friend, and wonders how he could possible answer that question.

"What kind of secret?" Technicalities, always technicalities.

Virgil smiles at him. "Any kind."

There is a light in your eyes and a dark in your soul, and I would not trade you for all the treasures in the universe. Your very existence is a contradiction, a paradox I could spend centuries studying without any hope to understand.

"I don't have any secrets."

"That's a lie," Virgil teases gently. "Everyone has a secrets."

You have haunted my dreams since the moment I laid eyes on you. I've memorized the rhythm of your steps and the sweep of your lashes, the curve of your smile and the wave of your hair. I would know you blind, deaf, and numb in this world or any other.

"Alright. Here's a secret: I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

Oblivion. Eternity. Crowded rooms and judging stares, and you, I'm terrified of you because you have the power to destroy me and you don't even know it. I'm less of afraid of dying than of losing you, and that scares me too.


"You're kidding."

Logan doesn't kid. But Logan lies. "No really. It's the legs, and the eyes."

"Tell me another one."

I love you.


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