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Requested by UltraAlis101

Ship(s): Romantic Prinxiety

Category: Hurt/Comfort

Warning(s): Referenced arguing and general relationship angst

Summary: In the aftermath of a bad fight, Roman and Virgil find ways to make it up to each other.


Virgil was shaking.

He was shaking, and knotting up his fingers in his bedsheets, and squeezing his eyes shut so tight he could see little bursts of color. But he wasn't crying. He just clenched his jaw and curled up, rigid, on his couch.

Their couch.

Plural. Theirs. Virgil's and Roman's.

He was alone in it now.

God knew where Roman was. He'd slammed the door so viciously behind him that it had rattled the apartment and Virgil hadn't seen him since.

Two hours passed. Virgil stood from the couch and boiled some water for tea. It barely soothed his nerves.

He wasn't scared. Not scared, but... ashamed.

The things he'd said to Roman, they were terrible. Horrible, cruel words, meant to hurt and scar and destroy someone. He hadn't felt one ounce of remorse as he took sickened delight in the way Roman's angry mask faltered and melted into something pained.

Virgil shuddered.

He hated himself. For making Roman feel that way.

It was his fault. All of it.

With trembling hands, he dialed Roman's number and cradled the phone to his ear, praying that he deserved his boyfriend's forgiveness.


Roman was shaking.

And he was crying. Sobbing into his hands and his eyes burning, a single warm hand rubbing circles into his shoulder. Beside him, Patton comforted him in silence, allowing him to vent everything before getting a word in.

This wasn't his apartment. This was Logan's, who was busying himself in the kitchen.

"It's okay," Patton murmured.

Sobbing harder, Roman scrubbed at his eyes and sucked in another ragged breath. "He said I was nothing but a-a-a-" He cut himself off, unable to force out the words.

"Shh, shh, I know. I know. It's not right, but I know he doesn't mean it. He loves you, Roman."

"I agree with Patton," Logan spoke up, as gentle as his monotone voice could manage.

Roman knew, objectively, that they were right.

It didn't hurt any less.

"What did I do wrong?" he whispered hoarsely.

Patton was quiet for a moment. "It's hard to tell," he sighed. "Sometimes it's a mutual mistake. Sometimes it's one or the other. But in the end, all we can do is make it right."

"... how?"

"Talk to him."

"Communication is necessary for all healthy relationships," Logan added.

Roman sniffled and wiped his eyes again. "Thanks, guys. But I can't call him first. What do I even say? What if he actually hates me now?"

"He doesn't-"


His phone screen lit up.

Virgil is calling.

With trembling hands, he answered the call.



"... Virgil?"

"Oh, God. I thought you wouldn't pick up."


"Ro, can we talk? I... I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"No, no, don't be, please. Please don't say that. I shouldn't have said what I did. Please, just come home."

"I-I don't know, Virge. It still... it still hurts."

"I know, I know, and it's my fault but please let me make it up to you. I'm so sorry."

"... okay."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"Virgil, I know. I know. I'm coming over."



It took Roman nearly fifteen minutes to arrive. Virgil counted. He counted the seconds and the minutes with meticulous care.

The faintest of knocks sounded at his door.

Virgil rushed to open it.

And there was Roman. Roman, who was pale as a sheet, his eyes rimmed with red and his hands buried deep in his pockets. He cast his gaze to the ground when the door opened.

"Roman," Virgil breathed. "Thank God you're okay."

"Yeah. I went to Patton's."

Patton's. A safe place. Virgil was eternally grateful to have Patton as a friend. He would've kept Roman company.

This was all Virgil's fault.

Wordlessly, Virgil stepped back and Roman stepped in.

The first thing he blurted was, "Roman, I'm sorry."

Roman's mouth twitched into the smallest, most pitiful smile Virgil had ever seen. "I know you are. I can see."

"I don't deserve forgiveness, and I'm not holding a grudge against you, I just-"

"Virge," Roman interrupted, not unkindly. He tentatively reached out, cupping Virgil's face in his hands, a feather-light touch. "Don't say that. Don't say you don't deserve forgiveness. I'm not saying you didn't hurt me, okay? Because you did. I won't deny it. But... we were both angry, and we say things we don't mean, and..."

"You still love me?" Virgil asked weakly, shakily.

"Do I love you? Yes. Do I like you? That's still up for debate."

Virgil gave a watery laugh, rubbing his eyes. He shook his head. "Come on, you're the one who's hurt and I'm the one crying, how is that fair?"

"We're both hurt."

Near tears again, Virgil pulled Roman into a hug and buried his face in Roman's chest, inhaling the scent of his cologne. Roman made a soft noise, threading his fingers into Virgil's hair.

"We'll talk next time, okay?" Virgil whispered. "I'll think about what I say next time."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll talk. We'll talk."

They stayed in a warm embrace for several more moments, swaying back and forth.

"I'm sorry," Virgil repeated, his voice muffled in Roman's shirt.

"So am I. That makes us even then."

"I guess it does."


This isn't my best but I just started my freshman year! Woohoo! I doubt I'll have a whole lot of time for writing with the packed schedule I just received :( But I'll make an effort, I can promise you all that. I hope you guys have a great school year! ~kc

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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