First Come, First Serve

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Not requested.

Ship(s): Roceit

Category: Fluff

Warning(s): None

Summary: Roman wanted to check out a book, but apparently that wasn't allowed by some motherfucker who wanted to read Sherlock Holmes just as much.


Roman would not consider himself short. Virgil was short. Patton was short. Roman was not short.

He was an average height for a teenager.

5'9" was not short.

So, it was a bit unusual when the library shelf was too tall for him to reach. Stretching up on the tips of his toes, he extended his arms as far as possible and scrambled to grab the book at the very top, the last Sherlock Holmes novel he needed to read. He grunted in frustration and did a little hop, which achieved nothing.

"Dammit," he muttered. Exhaling sharply, he circled around to try and get a better angle, too full of pride to ask a librarian for help. "Come here. Come on..."

Suddenly, another hand came into view on the other side of the shelf, grabbed the book easily, and took it.

Roman rounded the corner to find a teenage boy there, noticeably taller than Roman. The boy smiled in a smug, self-satisfied way that convinced Roman he only took the book because Roman couldn't reach it. Though his brown hair was swept over his forehead, Roman could clearly see his heterochromatic eye colors; one brown, one green. A black bowler hat rested atop his head.

"Hey, I was trying to get that," Roman said.

The boy lifted an eyebrow. "First come, first serve, I suppose. Too short to reach?"

Blood boiling with the audacity of this stranger, Roman scoffed and crossed his arms. "I am not short."

"You're, what, 4'6"?" the boy said. "I'm over six foot. Don't worry; we all hit our growth spurts eventually." Then he turned and walked away, Roman's book tucked under his arm.

Roman spluttered in shock and surprise for several moments before chasing after the boy, wondering briefly if he attended Roman's high school. "Wait! I really want to read that."

Considering him, the boy offered a flirty smile. "You can read it at my house, if you want."

Normally so smooth in encounters like this, Roman flushed red. "I-I-"

The boy grabbed Roman's wrist, whipped out a pen, and scrawled an address + a name on Roman's forearm. Smirking, he pulled Roman's sleeve back down, patted him on the shoulder, and walked away with the book.

Roman let out a choked gasp of shock. In reply, the boy gallantly tipped his bowler hat in Roman's direction.

Once the boy was gone, Roman shoved up his sleeve.

Declan Sanders.

Wait, wasn't that Patton's twin brother?

Roman flipped open his phone and pressed it to his ear. "Patton, spill the tea on your brother right now."


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