~shitty ordeals~

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Ship(s): Platonic Moxiety, platonic Prinxiety, platonic PattonxRemy

Category: Angst, vent

Warning(s): Implied/referenced bullying, self-deprecating thoughts

Summary: With Patton's friendship circle breaking apart, he's hoping to have a good time at the eighth grade dance.

Based off of an experience from a couple weeks ago. Patton is me, Virgil is my close friend, Remy is another friend, Roman is another, Declan (Deceit) is someone my close friend doesn't like but I don't have much of a problem with, Logan is another sorta friend with awkward tension.


Patton adjusted his tie, smiling slightly, and followed his friends into the gym. The whole setup was pretty trashy, but he didn't comment on it. That was what Virgil was for.

"'Enchanted Forest' themed?" Virgil scoffed. "So what, they post a couple Christmas trees and think it's enchanted forest? Dumbasses."

"I think it's nice," Patton said, chuckling.

The pair hovered awkwardly in the center of the gym, watching other students mill around in fancy attire and chat with one another. Music blared from a few speakers.

"Just wait 'til the backstabbing snakes get here," Virgil muttered.

"Yeah," Patton reluctantly agreed. He normally didn't like to talk bad about people, but this time, he thought it was warranted. For a couple months now, Declan and his posse had been spreading rumors about Virgil and Remy, even going as far as to try and start shit with Patton himself. They were coming to the dance tonight, which was part of the reason Patton really didn't want to be here. No one was mean to each other's faces, so this dance would be a lot of side talking.

To make matters worse, earlier that day, Roman had chosen to sit with Declan instead of Patton, Remy, and Virgil, like he normally did. To Remy, it was like a stab in the back, and Virgil was pissed too. Patton had given Roman the cold shoulder in their eighth hour, even though Roman seemed to have no idea what he'd done wrong.

A couple of Patton's classmates wandered over and complimented him, which made him feel a bit better. Virgil, however, appeared to be shutting down. He stood off to the side, arms crossed, mouth set in a scowl.

The worst part of the night began when Declan and Roman got there.

"There's the bitch," Virgil muttered. "They all look like fucking whores."

"Virgil," Patton reprimanded weakly.

"It's true. Do you see what they're wearing?"

Patton did see what they were wearing, and sort of agreed with Virgil, but he didn't say anything. All of this was already horrible, they didn't need to be stooping to Declan's level and proving they were just as bad as him.

"Where's Remy?" Virgil asked, scanning the gym.

"I don't know." As Patton was looking, he caught sight of Roman instead. They made eye contact. Roman started to walk over to them, smiling a bit, but Patton just turned away to face Virgil.

Virgil did the same. He averted his eyes, subtly dismissing Roman's presence.

Out of the corner of his eye, Patton could see Roman's face fall. He hovered near them for a moment, looking like a lost puppy, before reluctantly backing away and vanishing into the crowd.

"He made his choice," Virgil said quietly. He wasn't scowling anymore, but he did seem more subdued, like this whole situation was taking its toll.

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