By The Light of A Thousand Suns (pt. 2)

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Not requested.

Ship: Romantic Prinxiety

Category: Fluff/Hurt/Comfort

Warnings: None


Roman had gone about his day distracted. He could barely pay attention to one of his best friends, Logan, who he normally loved to talk astronomy with, and the other eventually gave up to look for his boyfriend, Patton.

He slept restlessly that night, and when he finally gave in to the warm pull of sleep, he dreamt of a kind smirk and warm onyx eyes.


8:00. Roman leaned against the brick building, hands in his pockets. He was dressed in blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt with a red vest over it. His auburn hair was styled expertly, combed to sleek perfection. A faded red baseball cap rested atop his head. Not like he had spent a hour checking his appearance or anything.

He held the strap of his backpack loosely in one hand. Inside was his sketchbook, a polaroid, and a pack of oreos with other assorted snacks.

He checked his watch several times anxiously. Would Virgil even show up? Would he leave Roman standing here like an idiot?

Roman was about to abandon his idea altogether when he spotted a flash of purple and grey in the edges of his vision. Glancing over, he found Virgil, hands shoved into his pockets and dark bangs falling over his eyes.

"You came," Roman said dumbly.

Virgil huffed a laugh. "Of course I did. I'm not one to turn down such a blatant date offer."

Roman blinked. "D-Date?"

"Yeah. That's what this is, right?" Virgil smirked beneath the shelter of his bangs. "Either that or you're waiting to murder me and drag my body into those woods."

Once he realized Virgil was joking, Roman chuckled. "Well, we are going into those woods, but no one is going to die. I hope." Casting his gaze towards the sky, Roman watched the sun drift lazily downwards, leaving orange and pink streaks in its wake. Perfectly on time.

"So, where'er we going?" Virgil asked. He shifted his weight.

"Oh! Right. Let's go."

Roman led Virgil down the slope of a hill and into the treeline. Instantly, the light-to-darkness ratio tipped dramatically, and Roman turned on a flashlight. As they wove through the trees, Roman tried in vain to stop being so aware of Virgil's breathing, of his soft, night colored eyes drilling into the back of his head-

They reached the top of the hill and left the woods. Virgil frowned slightly.

"What is this place?"

"Hold on," Roman replied. He walked over to the power grid, flipped open the lid, and pulled all the switches.

Instantly, the entire place lit up. It was an old, abandoned amusement park, complete with a Funhouse, empty vendor stands, and a massive rusty Ferris Wheel. Several tall lampposts lined the walkways, glowing faint yellow beneath layers of dirt. The Ferris Wheel was covered in fairy lights, shining blue and red.

Looking over, he saw Virgil's jaw drop and his eyes widen, sparkling with the reflection of the lights.

"Come on," Roman urged, approaching the Ferris Wheel.

"Don't tell me you're-"

Roman swung one foot up, and then another, and suddenly he was scaling the massive white spokes.

"-climbing it," Virgil finished, gaping at him.

"It'll be fine!" Roman called, although he didn't dare look down. A creak and a curse told him Virgil was following him. When he reached the his destination, a medium-height cart, he climbed inside and waited.

Several minutes later, a panting and white-faced Virgil slid into the seat. He was trembling and drenched with sweat.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Roman watched his reaction carefully, hoping he didn't go too far.

Virgil swallowed, wiped his forehead, and offered a shaky smile. "That was the most terrifying experience of my life. Thank you. I can check that off my bucket list."

Roman laughed. He turned his gaze outward, where there was a break in the treeline that revealed the setting sun over the valley, with his town nestled in the center. Virgil sucked in a breath, gazing out at the fading orange and pink light in awe. This eerie twilight stage in the dusk, when the sun was halfway beneath their horizon and the stars were peeking out; this was Roman's favorite time of the evening. A warm breeze ruffled his hair, and out of his peripheral he saw Virgil closing his eyes. The dying rays of the day illuminated his pale features with purple.

"It's beautiful," Virgil said after a moment, eyes still closed. One eye flicked open, lazily meeting Roman's gaze. "As are you."

Roman blushed crimson. "Oh, I'm not-"

"Princey, you're adorable. I mean, this Ferris Wheel date? You're boyfriend material."

"Princey? Wait, what-"

"The prince costume?" Virgil smirked. "The one you were wearing when you knocked me over."

"Oh. That."

"Theater nerd?"

Roman nodded.

"Nice. Band geek." Virgil huffed a laugh and sat up straighter, angling his shoulders to face Roman directly.

Suddenly Roman's mouth was very dry. "W-What instrument?"

"That information will cost you," Virgil whispered, eyelashes fluttering. The only light was from the Ferris Wheel spokes.

"What's your payment of choice?" Roman forced out.

And then Virgil was right next to him, their knees bumping and hands nearly touching. When did he get there?

"Perhaps..." Virgil leaned closer. He smelled like mint and basil, an odd but pleasant combination. "... something a little more... personal..."

Flustered, Roman croaked, "P-Personal? Like a happy memory or something? Like-"

"Like this," Virgil said, and suddenly they were kissing, Virgil's lips on his, and he tasted like mint too, and Roman kissed back, threading his hands into Virgil's hair while the other gripped his coat and pressed their chests together, and the extra warmth was good and necessary. Fireworks exploded in Roman's chest, and it felt so right he could almost imagine he'd been waiting his entire life for this moment.

When they eventually pulled away for air, Virgil grinned, the widest smile he'd pulled so far.

Roman smirked. "Couldn't resist my charms, eh?"

"You're a prince for a reason, huh?" Virgil shot back, his voice teasing. After a moment, his face turned serious. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah?" Roman braced himself for the worst.

Virgil looked out at the forest, then at the abandoned fair. He gulped. "How do we get down?


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