Supernatural HS AU // pt.1

175 11 10

Not requested.

Ship(s): Platonic Royality

Category: Fluff

Warning(s): None

Summary: Roman and Patton try to sign up for choir, but encounter discrimination because Roman's a siren. Thankfully, the local emo werecat is just around the corner.


"Hi, we'd like to sign up for the school choir," Patton chirped.

The kid at the desk, a basilisk with one yellow eye and a bored expression, slid a clipboard across the table. "Just sign there."

Patton bent down to sign.

"What's your name, my scaled fellow?" Roman asked, smiling.

The kid stared at him. The green scales on his face glinted in the light. "It's Dee. And you're Roman Prince."

"Indeed." Roman swept into a comedic bow. "The one and only."

"Captain of the swim team," Dee continued distastefully. His voice dripped with sarcasm. "It's delightful to finally bask in your presence."

"I would hope so." Roman took the board from Patton and went to sign it, when Dee snatched the sheet from him. "Hey!"

"You can't be in the choir," Dee told him. "You're a siren. It isn't fair for the others."


Patton crossed his arms. His fluffy white wings rustled behind him. "What are you talking about?"

"Sirens can't be in a singing group," Dee explained slowly, as if addressing two toddlers. "They could end up enchanting the rest of the members, and we can't have that." He clipped his pen to the board. "It's just common knowledge."

Suddenly, from around the corner, a sleek black cat bounded into view, leaping onto Dee's desk with a hiss. It sat down, licked its paw once, then something strange happened.

Its form rippled and expanded, the paws lengthening and claws retracting, fur shrinking in and torso stretching until a teenager sat in front of them. He donned a black jacket and black eye shadow, but his eyes were the same shimmery purple. He wore ripped fishnets on his hands and black combat boots. Cat ears still sat atop his head, and if you looked closely, you would see the slightly sharpened fangs in his mouth. His position on the table- one leg drawn up to his chest, his arm resting on his knee -made him look casually intimidating.

"Is there a problem here, Dee?" he asked. His voice was low and smooth.

"Screw off," Dee snapped. "You know as well as I do that sirens can't join the choir."

"What I know is that I don't tolerate racism in my choir," the shifter told him. He raised an eyebrow. "Don't forget, Dee. I run this place."

"Just fucking sign up and be done with it," Dee growled, tossing the clipboard at Roman.

Keeping a careful eye on the newcomer, Roman scratched his name into a box and went to give it back to Dee, but the shifter took it instead.

"I think I'll handle signups from now on." He gave Dee a pointed look, then slipped the board under his arm and stepped off from the desk. He moved with the graceful elegance of a predator. He swung an arm around each of them, minding Patton's wings, and walked off.

Dee hissed an insult after them. The shifter bared his fangs and hissed back.

When they were out of view, the shifter released them. He smirked. "You're welcome. Dee's always been a jerk, but I didn't take him for an outright racist."

"Thank you," Patton said. "What's your name?"

"It's Virgil, but you can call Virge," he replied easily. "You are Roman Prince and Patton. The swim team captain and the angel. You two are famous, my friends."

Patton blushed.

"Anyway, I left my good pal back there, so I'm gonna head back," Virgil told them. He grinned. "Catch you later, suckers." And with that, he was a cat again. He turned and slipped out of view, leaving the pair alone once more.

After a moment, Roman let out a disbelieving chuckle. "Wonder if we'll see that guy again."

"If his knowledge of Dee and the school is anything to go by, I think we will."


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