Murder and Insurance Fraud // pt.3

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Not requested.

Ship(s): Pining romantic Prinxiety, fraternal Anxceit, flirtatious Roceit

Category: Humor/Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of death

Summary: Virgil shows Roman his room and tells him about who once lived there.


"There's food in the cupboards if you're hungry," Virgil said, gesturing at aforementioned cupboards. "Don't listen to Dee if he tells you you can't eat something. He's just weirdly possessive of food. And people."

"I heard that!" Dee shouted from upstairs, where he had retreated once Virgil made explicitly clear who's contract Roman belonged to.

"I'll show you to your room." Virgil led him up the stairs and down the hall, to a room with a name scrawled messily on the front.


"Who's that?" Roman asked.

Virgil followed his gaze to the name. He sighed, and his shoulders slumped. "Picani was a good friend of ours. He lived here too, helping us with coverups and teaching us basically everything we know. We loved him like a father." Virgil rested his hand on the knob, closing his eyes. "One day, he got separated from us at the central market. We went home without him, expecting him to find his way back. The next day, we found out he was arrested by the palace guard."

Roman found himself at a loss for words. Virgil's (seemingly) only father figure was arrested and most likely hanged at the order of the princes. He almost didn't feel comfortable sleeping in Picani's old room.

"I'm sorry," he said eventually, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.

Waving a hand, Virgil brushed him off and opened the door.

Inside, the room was neatly tidied. On the bed, a sheet was tucked in and folded on one corner. The desk held a single lamp and a notebook. It was overall simple. The walls and ceiling were what made it interesting.

Huge, colorful portraits decorated the walls, painted and drawn in a messy yet creative style. On the far wall, an obvious picture of Virgil stood out starkly, painted in sweeping strokes of purple and grey. He looked regal, head turned slightly upwards and eyes fixed on something in distance. He was beautiful.

On the opposite wall, Dee was depicted. He was shown in the attire Roman had seen him in, his bowler hat darker and his gloves brighter. One side of his face was oddly covered in green scales, and one eye was a glittering yellow. He was facing the side, a coy smile carved into his face, and one hand covering the normal side of his face. He looked dangerous.

The ceiling was the best part. A swirling, sparkling depiction of the night sky, with little white and silver stars painted in spirals. A deep blue and black filled the corners, fading to a milky grey as it reached the center, where a wide splotch of darkness resided.

"He was a brilliant artist," Virgil said softly, easing the door closed. "That was what made him special. That dot in the middle is supposed to represent a black hole. He never told us what that was."

"A black hole?" Roman raised his eyebrows. "Black holes are like... they're really big things that have super strong gravity, you know, the stuff that keeps you on the ground. Apparently, it's so strong, not even light can escape it. That's why it's black."

Virgil gaped at him for a few moments, then shook his head. "I forgot you were a prince for a second. You must have had the best scholars in the land."

"Well, actually..." Roman rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "My older brother Logan taught me that. He's very interested in the stars and stuff like that."

"Ah." Virgil glanced around the room, pausing on his portrait, then opened the door. "Get comfortable. You'll be here for a while. Don't be afraid to ask for anything."



"-kay," Roman finished to the empty room.


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