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Not requested.

Ship: Romantic Logicality, fraternal Analogical, fraternal Royality

Category: Hurt/Comfort

Warning(s): Transphobia, slurs

Summary: Logan knew his parents would never support him. It was only a matter of time.


"Get out! Get out of my house you disgusting tranny!"

17-year-old Logan stumbled back as his father loomed over him, eyes narrowed with hatred. His mother glared at him, arms crossed.

"After all I've done for you, Kayla," his mother sneered. "And you decide to go and condemn yourself to Hell? You'll burn with the Devil for your choices!"

"I don't care," Logan replied coldly. He grabbed his bag from the couch, stepped outside, and slammed the door behind him.

Through the ringing in his ears and thumping in his chest, Logan heard the lock click.

"Logan?" From the second story window, his brother, Virgil, leaned out the window. "Where are you going?"

"I can't stay," Logan called up. "Virgil, if you need a place to go, find me. I'll be at Patton's."


"Virgil!" his father called inside the house. "Come downstairs this instant!"

Virgil shuddered. "I gotta go. Be safe, please?"

"I will."

The window shut.

Logan stood on the porch for a long time, staring out at the dark street. Cars roared by every so often, illuminating his figure. His parents were still shouting inside the house, but at Virgil.

Finally, he staggered to his feet and headed off down the sidewalk. It was late, nearly midnight, and he wasn't sure if Patton was even awake. When he'd crossed several streets and abandoned his neighborhood altogether, he sat down at a bus stop and pulled out his phone.

11:32 L: Patton?

11:57 P: wat's up?

12:00 L: Would it be okay if I came to your house for a little while? Something happened at home.

12:03 P: of course. the door is unlocked, and you know how to get here right?

12:07 L: Yes, and thank you.

Logan arrived on Patton's doorstep nearly ten minutes later. It was a tall building, painted an off-white with blue shutters. He knocked on the door once, twice, thrice.

It swung open. Patton stood before him, dressed in pajama pants and a fuzzy blue sweater.

"Come in, Lo," Patton said.

Once inside, Patton wrapped Logan in a hug. "Are you okay? You're cold."

"I didn't have time to adequately pack," Logan admitted. "It happened very fast."

"What happened?" Patton guided him over to the couch, curling up against him.

"They found out," Logan whispered. "I told them."

"Oh." Patton laced their fingers together, blue eyes gleaming with worry.

"Called me a slur and told me to get out." Logan's voice broke. "They were yelling at Virgil when I left. I thought they- they raised me, Patton, I just thought-" A sob escaped him, and he quickly clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shh, it's okay to cry," Patton soothed. "Logan, it's okay."

Logan began to sob. He took off his glasses with trembling hands, then turned and buried his face in Patton's chest. Warm arms held him close as he cried. Patton murmured comfortingly words in his ear, stroking his close-cropped hair that his parents were reluctant to let him cut.

'You'll look too much like a boy,' they told him. Logan had resisted the urge to reply, 'that's what I'm going for.'

"They don't deserve you," Patton whispered. "They don't deserve the wonderful guy you are. I love you so much, Lo."

"I love you too," Logan managed. He sniffed and wiped his eyes, thanking his boyfriend when Patton handed him a tissue.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like," Patton promised. "We don't mind, really."

"Patton?" someone called from the hallway.

Patton's 13-year-old brother, Roman, stood in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What's Kayla doing here?" he asked, catching sight of Logan.

"Oh, um, he's going to be staying with us for a while," Patton replied. He glanced back at Logan for permission, who nodded his assent. "Roman, come here."

Roman crept forward obediently.

"You know how some people are born in the wrong bodies? Like a girl will be born as a boy, but she's still a girl, right?"

Roman nodded.

"Well, that's what it's like for Logan," Patton told him. "He's a boy, but the world made a mistake and put him in a girl body. He changed his name to Logan, so don't call him Kayla anymore, okay?"

"Okay." Roman climbed onto the couch with the two of them. "I like that name."

"Thank you," Logan whispered.

"Where's Virgil?" Roman questioned, yawning.

"Virgil can't come visit for a while," Logan answered gently. "I know he wants to, though."

"He's pretty," Roman murmured. "I wish he thought I was pretty. When can he visit?"

Logan and Patton exchanged a glance.

"I'll see when he can come," Logan promised. "And, between the three of us, I'm pretty sure he thinks you're pretty too."

Virgil's sexuality was a secret to everyone besides Logan. The two were able to confide in only each other, until Logan began dating Patton. Virgil had admitted on one occasion that he found Roman endearing, and from there, his crush only grew.

Roman's face lit up. "Cool! I'm tired, Pat, so I'm going to bed."

"Alrighty, kiddo. Goodnight."


Then they were alone once more. Logan let out a heavy sigh and leaned against Patton, exhausted.

"Go to sleep," Patton whispered. He stroked Logan's head, combing through his tousled black hair. "I'll wake you up if I need to."

"But don't you need to sleep...?" Logan trailed off. His eyes fluttered shut and he slept, safe and content, in Patton's arms.

"I love you," Patton told him softly. "I'll love you enough for Virgil, too. Sleep tight, Lo."


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