Missing Halloween (pt. 3//end)

211 18 5

Not requested.

Ship: Platonic Prinxiety, romantic Logicality

Category: Angst

Warnings: Graphic depictions of death, implied death


Night had fallen. The police officer shined his flashlight through the eerie woods, creating ghostly shapes and apparitions. Close behind him, Logan and Patton followed, anxious.

"Roman!" Patton called, voice cracking. "Ro-man!" He turned and buried his head in Logan's chest, letting out a small sob. "What if we don't find him?"

"We will," Logan said gently. "He can't have gone far."

Suddenly the officer halted, picking up a long stick and tapping the ground with it. A few moment later, a large steel trap snapped closed, crushing the stick.

"These are dangerous woods," the officer said grimly. "You best hope we find your boy."

Patton whimpered.

Several minutes later, they entered a clearing. Down a hill was a large tree, and sitting at the base was Roman, fast asleep and cradling a candy wrapper in his hand.

"Roman," Patton gasped.

The officer shined his light on Roman, then swept it to the side.

Patton let out a cry of horror and shielded his eyes. Logan held him close, eyes averted from the gruesome sight.

Sitting next to Roman was a bone-white skeleton, covered in strips of uneaten flesh, it's leg crushed in a bear trap. Matted black hair hung into what would've been it's eyes, and the remains of a dark hoodie and jeans decorated the body. A bag rested next to it, and a candy wrapper sat in it's crumbling hands.

Trembling, the officer paged through a small journal, past a picture of Roman and onto a young boy with ebony black hair, wearing a black hoodie and jeans, grinning toothily as he displayed his vampire fangs.

Virgil Black: MISSING

You found me.


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