Secret Santa

203 22 4

Ship: Analogical

Category: Fluff

Warnings: None

Summary: Virgil, who was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, got Logan-with-PTSD for Secret Santa, and struggles with buying a gift.

Hey guys. Christmas oneshot, as promised. In other news, I'm sad and empty inside! Happy holidays! ~kc


Here it was. The moment of truth.

Virgil had been desperate to find the perfect present, the exact gift for the stoic teenager in his therapy group. Secret Santa was stressful and anxiety inducing and honestly, he was considering skipping out on the whole thing.

He'd finally found something that could work. It was a telescope; not too large, not too small, colored a dark blue and decorated with little star designs. He knew Logan liked space, but that was the extent of his knowledge. Hopefully the quiet boy would appreciate it.

Everyone sat in a circle, each holding a gift and waiting restlessly. Their therapist, Dr. Picani, smiled at them. He had colorful lights draped over him, making him look like a rejected Christmas tree.

"Now, everyone," he said, holding up his own present. "I'll go around the circle, and you can give your gifts to your secret Santa. Let's start with... how about you, Virgil?"

Virgil gulped. He picked at the wrapping paper uncertainly. Picani gave him a warm, encouraging look. Steeling himself, he rose from his seat and thrusted the navy blue present at Logan.

Logan blinked at him. He wore a black sweater with blue binary code on it, his thick glasses balancing on his nose. He reached out and took the gift, then began to unwrap it. He peeled off the tape meticulously, then folded back the paper to preserve it. Virgil fiddled with his hands.

The cardboard box scraped as Logan opened it. He picked up the telescope and gazed at it.

It was quiet for a long moment. Virgil thought he didn't like it.

Then, Logan's lips twitched into a tentative copy of a smile. He rubbed the cool metal with his thumb, avoiding Virgil's expectant stare.

"Do you like it?" Virgil mumbled, shifting his weight. "I-I thought you liked space, so..."

Logan slowly looked up, his deep blue eyes darting around before finally settling on Virgil's forehead. "Yes. I... I like it. Very much. Thank you." He clutched the telescope with one hand, then brought out a small present with the other. "For you."

Virgil accepted the package and tore it open. Inside rested a pair of coiled earbuds. They had strange padding sticking out from them.

"Sound blockers," Logan whispered, looking more uncomfortable by the second. His voice grew quieter as he trailed off. "Cause you have anxiety and stuff..."

"I love them," Virgil told him honestly. "Thank you, Logan."

Logan's eyes brightened. He tapped his new telescope, which Virgil knew was his equivalent of shouting with joy.

"Lovely gifts," Picani said, grinning. "Thanks, guys. Now, onto..."

Virgil watched as Logan fiddled with some settings, holding the scope up to his eye a few times to test it. When he was sure no one was looking, Logan broke out into a wide grin.

Biting back his own smile, Virgil felt warmth blossom in his chest.


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