Diamond Dreams

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Not requested.

Ship: Romantic Roceit

Category: Fluff

Warning(s): None

Summary: Declan (Deceit) and Roman enjoy the summer of a lifetime.

(I have a lot of Roceit feels bc of the newest video, okay)
(Based off of 'Diamond Dreams' by Castro!)


We own these streets like we're royalty, with empty pockets and worn-out jeans ~

A warm June day. The sun bore down above them, blazing hot and bright. They were sitting out on the curb, bare feet balanced precariously on the scorching pavement, fingers curling into the coarse grass beneath them. The air shimmered with heat in the distance. Roman's sunglasses were propped up on his forehead, his transparent white shirt clinging to his chest as he flashed a smile and clinked his glass of lemonade with Declan's.

With a huff, Roman fell back into the grass of his front lawn, dragging Declan down with him until they were lying side-by-side, shoulders touching and fingers laced together as Roman pointed up at the clouds, gesturing to the puffy white wisps drifting across the brilliant blue sky. He turned his head to face Declan. His eyes were warm and brown, like melted chocolate.

"Damn, how'd I get so lucky?" Roman whispered. He leaned forward and Declan met him halfway. Roman's lips were soft and gentle, and every rational thought fled Declan's mind as Roman rolled on top of him and kissed him, tasting like lemons and sugar.

~ Livin' our lives like we're kings and queens, we're runnin' wild on these diamond dreams ~

"This way!" Roma shouted, smiling all the way as he stumbled through the forest, hopping over logs and occasionally tossing a laugh over his shoulder.

Declan ran after him. He skidded to a halt when he saw where they were heading.

"Come on," Roman said, then shed his shirt and launched himself into the bubbling creek.

Trees rustled around them, the ground splattered in wavering sunspots and the water glittering in the light. Declan's feet sank into the squishy mud on the bank. The water chugged along slowly, splitting apart and bubbling when Roman resurfaced, shaking his head and showering Declan in droplets. His brown locks stuck to his face, completely soaked.

Declan shrugged off his shirt and leaped in after Roman, crashing into the shockingly cool water and his toes digging into the silty ground. He popped back up next to Roman, running his hands through his hair to squeeze out the water.

"Cold," Declan stammered.

"Let's go."

Then Roman grabbed his hand with slick fingers and pulled him downstream.

~ We always talk about how we'll get out, but really we're happy just hangin' around ~

Declan's head bumped against the wall, fingers drumming against the wooden floor and legs crossed beneath him. Roman was splayed out atop his bed, peering upside-down at Declan. The room was filled with gentle candlelight, the curtains yanked to the side so they could see the inky black sky, spotted with pinpricks of starlight.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

The million dollar question. Declan twisted his lips and made a face, while Roman slid off the bed and joined him on the floor, tapping Declan's socked foot with his own.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Sitting out on a white porch, looking out at the misty coastline and sipping a mug of steaming tea, Roman leaning beside him and their fingers intertwined.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Being pinned to the wall with hot lips and burning fingers around his waist, woven into his hair, the air quivering with summer heat and his knees wobbling beneath him, threatening to buckle. Roman keeping him standing, Roman's lips trailing down his neck and chest, warm bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

"Next to you," Declan said.

Roman smiled.

~ Money can buy you a kingdom of things, but you can't put a price tag on these diamond dreams ~

"... and I go flying through the air, landing elegantly on board the enemy ship with my sword drawn and a quip to boot!"

Declan laughed as Roman wrapped up his grand tale, swiping his hand dramatically through the air like a sword. They were in Declan's parents' garage, messing around with the tools and junk. Roman scooped up a hammer and brandished it.

"Will you grace me with a duel, fine knight?" he challenged.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that." Declan picked out a long screwdriver and pointed the tip at Roman, grinning. The concrete floor was warm beneath his feet, coating his white socks in grime. Dust hung thick in the air, glowing in the faint sunlight from outside, surrounding them in millions of tiny lanterns to illuminate their stage-duel.

Roman swung the hammer while Declan fended him off, both giggling and shuffling around the garage to dodge each other's blows until Declan knocked Roman off balance and they both went tumbling to the floor in a heap. Somehow, Roman ended up on top of him with Declan's back on the ground, their chests pressed together and faces red with exertion.

"I win," Declan panted, tipping his head up to look Roman in the eyes.

Smirking, Roman kissed him lightly on the nose. Declan felt his face flush with warmth as Roman grinned in triumph.

"I win," Roman asserted.

"... yeah, you win."

~ We own these streets like we're royalty, with empty pockets and worn-out jeans
Livin' our lives like we're kings and queens, we're runnin' wild on these diamond dreams ~

Declan clutched a pair of crimson sunglasses close to his chest, the dark glass smooth beneath his trembling fingers. He watched dust kick up behind Roman's car, billowing outward in a grimy cloud that engulfed the horizon, swallowing him up until he vanished entirely.

"You promised we'd get out of here together," Declan whispered. The sky pulsed with vibrant orange and pink, casting a golden sheen over the land that did not deserve to look so beautiful without Roman in it. "You promised."

Later, when night had fallen and his room was shrouded in darkness and much too empty, Declan cradled a scrapbook in his lap, shining a flashlight on the rough paper.

Adventures we'll have!

1. Swim in a reef!! (preferably somewhere tropical)

2. Catch butterflies in the back creek (I have the net)

3. Fix up the old car on 23a and get out of here

4. A̶d̶o̶p̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶k̶i̶d̶  Roman! What?

5. Get Declan new sandals and sunglasses

Declan choked back a sob.

6. Never leave each other behind (not an adventure, just a promise!)

7. Climb up to the library roof and read horror stories

8. Stargazing (picnic!!)

9. Tell Declan how much I love him (already done, you dork)

10. Tell Roman how much I love him (oh, I know, I'm amazing)

11. Never leave each other behind again!! Don't forget! (we won't)

Declan snapped the book closed and curled in on himself, eyes burning.

We did.

~ We're running wild on these diamond dreams ~


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