Nightmares: Logan // pt.3 END

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Ship: Romantic Logicality

Category: Hurt/Comfort

Warnings: Character death, suicide

Summary: Logan catches Patton's last dream before it can finish.


"You made me do this."

"No! I didn't, Logan please!" Patton begs, leaning against the rail so hard his stomach hurts. The love of his life stands on the edge of the bridge, arms held wide for balance as he sways in the breeze. His dark hair whips in the wind, and his blue eyes are pained.

"You didn't love me enough," Logan says sadly, turning towards the furious, frothing ocean below. The waves crash against each other, kicking up a massive spray of water.

"I love you! I love you Lo, don't do this!"

Logan hesitates. He glances back at Patton, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. "Patton, I-" He takes in a shaky breath.

"We can do it better next time," Patton promises. "I'll do better. Please, don't leave me."

"... okay. Okay." Logan slowly turns back around, raising one foot to step forward with-

When a strong breeze gusts by, sending Logan pinwheeling backward, tumbling head-over-heels into the sea with a splash.

"NO!" Patton screamed, throwing himself forward. The railing gives beneath him and he vaults over the edge, plummeting into the depths after his boyfriend.

The water is a cold shock, bubbles fleeing to the surface as he gasps. The chill cools him to the bone, sending shivers tracing up and down his spine. He can see Logan, drifting below, his hair waving in a dark halo circling his head, clothes billowing around him. Patton tilts downward and starts swimming, arms pumping and legs kicking valiantly as he chases after Logan. The sunlight fades, and then he's in the dark, a deep abyss surrounding him on all sides, and only then does he realize there are ghostly shapes in the darkness, lights flashing eerily and he's lost sight of Logan, panic forcing the air from his lungs as the pressure boxes him in, and is that a pale face below?

"Logan," Patton cries, his voice muffled and distorted, and there's a burning sensation in his chest and god, Logan can't be-


Patton whirls around, but the urgent voice only grows louder, echoing in the void and filling his head with its words.


"... Patton!"

Patton's eyes flash open, his body jerking as he sits upright, nearly colliding into someone.

"Pat, Pat, hey, it's oka-"

Then strong arms embrace him, gripping his shoulders and pulling him close as he sobs, the dark room only serving to worsen his terror, and the person seems to realize this as the warm glow of a lamp fills the room.

"Logan," Patton gasps, burying his face in the person's warm chest.

"I'm here, Pat, I'm here," the person croons gently, threading their fingers through Patton's hair. The voice is gentle and familiar, and when Patton finally looks up, he sees the piercing blue gaze of Logan Berry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Patton babbles, shaking his head vigorously and witholding tears. "I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry please don't-"

"Patton, Patton," Logan interrupts, gripping him by the forearm. "It was a nightmare. Only a nightmare. You are safe."

"Are you?" Patton whispered desperately.

"Yes," Logan assures him. "I am perfectly safe. Everything is okay."

After a moment of silence, Patton turns his watery gaze to meet Logan's. "Sorry you had to see that. I hope I didn't wake you." Only then did he recall that Logan had been staying with him for the weekend while he moved into his new apartment.

"No, I had just gotten up to get water when I heard you." Logan's expression is worried. "You repeatedly apologized and said my name. What was the dream about?"

Reluctantly, Patton tells him, sparing no details. Throughout his recital, Logan's face did not change, but when he finishes, his stoic exterior melts and he allows himself to look sympathetic. "You love me enough," Logan tells him firmly. "I don't feel any other way. I love you."

Patton leans into him, suddenly exhausted, letting out a slow breath. "I'm glad you stopped it this time."

"This time? You have had nightmares about me before?"

"Mm... not you. Virgil, and... and Roman." Patton's words begin to slur as he drifts off, nestled safely in Logan's arms. His eyelids flutter shut.

"We're going to talk about this," Logan says, to both himself and the now-sleeping Patton. "And we're going to work this out. I promise."


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