The Deal (pt. 1)

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Ship(s): Fraternal RomanxRemus, Platonic Demus

Category: Angst

Warning(s): Remus/Intrusive Thoughts

Summary: Frustrated and desperate after the events of SvS, Deceit takes extreme measures to get his point across.


With a groan and an irritable huff, Deceit tossed himself onto the couch and shoved his bowler hat low over his face.

"Bad day?" Pride asked casually, flipping a page in his book.

Deceit made a muffled noise.

"Well, you could always... I don't know... leave them alone. Making yourself known just puts the rest of us at risk. You remember how they treated Virgil at first."

"Virgil's all buddy-buddy with them now," Deceit growled.

"I'm not saying that Virgil is off limits, but I don't want you popping up in anymore videos," Pride said, shutting his book. He scowled at Deceit. "If you're just going to bitch, I'm going to find somewhere else to relax."

"Love our solidarity!" Deceit called after Pride as he vanished into one of the rooms.

Silence fell over Deceit. A sort of fury clawed somewhere inside him, their words still ringing in his head with vicious ferocity.

"Thomas wouldn't dream of attaining his hopes through deceitful means," Roman finished softly.

"But that's not true!" Deceit shouted.

"And you're a beacon of truth?" Virgil said snidely.

"Oh, did I say that? I missed the part where I said that."

The way they were all looking at him. Ridicule. Scorn. Disregard. Taking pleasure in his frantic frustration. Reducing him to merely his name instead of the perfectly valid points he'd brought up in the courtroom, brushing aside every bit of his sincerity just because he wasn't all sunshine and warmth in his approach.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't.

He had to make them see. He had to prove he could make a lasting impact, that the so-called Dark Sides held the same power over Thomas as the Light Sides did. They held the same influence.

Deceit dragged his hand up through the hair.

With a startled yelp, Remus appeared, holding a comb and his hair sticking up wildly in all directions. His grey streak was pinned back with a bobby pin.

"Really?" Remus whined. "I was just cleaning up. You couldn't have waited a few more minutes?"

"This is urgent. I need you to do something for me."

Remus eyed him warily. His lips tugged into a frown. "Something for you? Or something for him...?"

"Don't play games. You know what this is about."

"I won't, Deceit," Remus told him firmly. "I won't help him. You got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out."

"I don't have a choice," Deceit said, somewhat pleading now.

"You don't. I do. No more roping me and Pride into this. Deal with Dep yourself, and stop crawling back to us every time you fail."

"If I fail, I won't be the only one to suffer. The rest of you will too."

Remus narrowed his eyes. "My final answer is no."

Before Remus could vanish, Deceit lunged forward and grabbed him by the collar, roughly shoving Remus against the wall. Remus let out a cry of pain and shock, struggling against Deceit's grip, but he kept Remus from getting away.

"You listen to me and you listen good," Deceit snarled. Remus' eyes went wide with fear. "If I get punished for you refusing to help me, I will hurt him. I will hurt him, Remus."

Remus swallowed hard. "You wouldn't."

"I will hurt Roman. I know you care about him, despite all that shit about a brother rivalry. If you don't do what I say, I swear, I will make sure Princey never wakes up."

There was a beat of tense silence. Remus, with trembling hands, reached up and pushed Deceit away from him.

"What do you want?" Remus whispered.

"Put on your best performance. Wreak havoc. Scare the shit out of them." Deceit drew back, allowing Remus to straighten out his clothes and catch his breath. "Try your hardest to distract and impair them for as long as possible. If you can, focus on Virgil and Logan." He adjusted his bowler hat. "Remember what happens if you fail."

"The next chance I get," Remus hissed, "I am getting you out of that stupid deal you made, and we will make things right."

"You shouldn't talk like that," Deceit muttered, casting his eyes to the ground.

"I forgive you, Deceit." Remus lifted his chin, his expression unreadable. "And I will fix this, I promise. Until then, you have a deal."

"You better not mess this up," Deceit said quietly as he turned away from Remus. "Or all of us will pay."


On a different note, I published a new Sanders Sides story! Woohoo! It's called 'Apaixonar', and it's a fake dating AU. Synopsis:

Roman has an upcoming family reunion that he's really not looking forward to.

Logan is a struggling college student/aspiring author trying to make decent money.

So, by coincidence, they meet and devise a plan--Roman gets to piss off his family, and Logan gets a nice big sum of money.

However, one mistake after another leads to them both becoming wrapped up in each other's lives, and untangling everything may prove to be a hopeless task.

Uh yeah, please check that out and I hope you guys have a great day! ~kc

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