My Sides??

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So I've seen a lot of people do this and thought I would give it a shot!

Apathy: Main side. In control most of the time, works alongside Passion (They may or may not be dating). Dresses mainly in greys and has a faded appearance, like a washed out photo. She has her hair pulled back in a perpetual pony tail, and wears glasses to seem more serious. She says she doesn't have emotions but in reality, she's just a cover up for the feelings that are difficult to understand and deal with. She handles most logical functions but usually opts out for the moral ones, because she doesn't care about anyone except for her fellow sides.

Passion: Another main side, works alongside Apathy. She loves to talk about her writing and hobbies, but everyone around her shuts her down so much she usually lets Apathy take over. It's easier that way. She wears her hair down in waves, and dresses in casual clothing. She's a romance sap and is definitely touch starved, but Apathy pushes people away so much she doesn't get the attention she needs. She refuses to wear glasses because "they're uncomfortable" but in reality, she thinks it's Apathy's style and hates not being original. She stresses herself out easily and gives up with most projects, knowing that people don't care. Passion loves the Wattpad community because she gets the positive feedback she needs to grow.

Anxiety: Main side. Often works in Apathy's shadow, and reclaims control after Passion has her time. She braids her hair and tends to wear thick fabrics because it makes her feel secure. She doesn't freak out too often, but when she does, it's bad. She's terrified of doing anything that could hurt them, which Passion agrees with. She wears dark clothes with jewelry and other flashy things, like pins and headbands. The one big thing she never freaked out about was their sexuality; she actually relaxed for a long time when they figured everything out. She's also the main source of humor.

Curiosity: Main side. Partners with Passion and dislikes Apathy. She houses most information, and tends to only recall the things she finds interesting. Loves Greek mythology and Roman emperors, also enjoys analyzing books or music. She also took over the Memorization Department a few years ago, and now strives to learn all the lyrics for each new song Passion takes interest in. This results in a vast host of musical knowledge and song lyrics that often clog up normal functions. Apathy and Curiosity don't get along often, due to their opposing natures. Absolutely has a crush on Passion but will never admit it. She dresses in bright colors and soft fabrics, depending on the day and mood. Wears her glasses and keeps her hair tied in a messy bun. She loves experimenting with new looks and spends a long time staring in the mirror, wondering what she can do better. While her peers are all introverts, she's the only true extrovert, wanting to learn about her friends the world as much she can.

Deceit: Tells everyone she's a minor side, but actually plays a huge role in everything. She gets along well with Apathy, while Anxiety ha- dislikes her. She's very perceptive, perhaps more than any of the others, and has the means to act on her perceptions. She mostly helps Apathy keep everyone in line, but she isn't afraid to override Apathy's authority if she sees fit. She lies, but it's only to dull the pain and keep the main sides working properly. Apathy does a good job of not caring about other's opinions, but Deceit is there to comfort Passion and Curiosity in the event that an insult does get to them. She wears her hair down or sometimes tugged back, but she likes to pull up her hoods or hide her face. She hunches over when sitting and curls in on herself to take up less space. Like the others, she's an introvert, but will absolutely not hesitate to fight and defend them against outsiders. She's a big softie who craves understanding and will stop at nothing to help KC, however she sees fit.

Impulsivity: She's more of a minor side, and a nuisance more than anything, but she serves her purpose. She's the personification of intrusive thoughts, but has no real drive behind her ideas. She tends to blurt out random suggestions that the others quickly shoot down. She likes to dress brightly and randomly with no coordination whatsoever, and likes to collect shiny things, almost like a bird. She's dreamy and unrealistic, but endearing and sorts like the little sibling everyone takes care of.

Pride: Minor side. She only weighs in on a few matters, mostly concerning her work and her appearance. She's the personification of the Ego, and handles all affairs involving the way I present myself and handle insults. She's stubborn and hates being wrong, and often thinks she could do a better job than Passion. She wears her hair up in a pony tail, without her glasses, and likes to wear makeup although the others hate the way it feels.

So, to recap!

Major Sides: Apathy, Passion, Anxiety, Curiosity, Deceit

Minor Sides: Impulsivity, Pride

How they would respond to a typical situation in my daily life: Homework is due tomorrow and I procrastinated all week.

Apathy: It's just home work anyway. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of life. You don't have to do it.

Passion: I am... not too fond of math. You can do it later.

Anxiety: If you don't do it now, you'll be freaking out tomorrow when it's due and you won't have it finished. Do it now.

Deceit: I don't know what the big fuss is. Just stuff it in your bag and forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind.

Curiosity: Why don't we just open up the packet and see what kind of problems are in it? Then we can do the easy ones now!

Impulsivity: I don't know why you don't just rip it up and say you lost it.

Pride: The teacher is going to ask you why you didn't do it, and that's gonna be bad for all of us. Just do all of it tonight so you don't have to admit to your friends that you didn't do it.

And then I'd end up doing it the morning of, at 5:00 AM.

Would you guys be interested if I opened up an ask game for my sides? I'll post their responses and stuff if you guys want me to.

Anyway, have a good day and don't forget to love yourself!! ~kc

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