RLSWNP (part 2)

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Not requested.

Ship(s): Platonic LAMP+DR

Category: Humor

Warning(s): None

Summary: In a rare occurrence, Roman and Remus team up on a creative pursuit with the same goal in mind-- to frustrate everyone in the Mindscape.


When the second day rolled around, everyone but Deceit and Virgil had arrived in the living room to suffer through another joke. A few minutes later, Remus and Roman dragged Deceit and Virgil respectively into the room, depositing both disgruntled traits onto the couch.

"No weaselers," Remus tsked.

"Remus will tell the joke today," Roman told them.

Remus bared his teeth in a smile. "Here we go. There was once an island kingdom whose people were all fabulously wealthy. Even though they could afford to live wherever they wanted, tradition forbade them from leaving their tiny island home. Eventually, their king became frustrated and called a meeting of the tribe's elders. He said he wanted them to figure out a way he could enjoy his wealth and stay within the traditional guidelines."

"That's a ridiculous pursuit," Deceit muttered.

Roman shot him a threatening look from the background.

"After much consideration," Remus continued, "the elders suggested he build a magnificent throne. When he objected there was not enough room in his hut for the throne, the elders suggested he call in an engineer to fix the problem. Soon, the king's hut was rigged up with an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys. During the day, he could lower the throne, and during the night, he could lower the bed. It was truly the best of both worlds."

"Sounds like a hassle," Virgil said. Logan nodded in agreement.

"Unfortunately, after months of constant use, the ropes frayed, and one night, the throne slipped and came crashing down on the king, killing him." Remus clapped his hands together in delight. Patton gaped. "The elders of the island recognized a lesson in this experience. They added the lore of their people this statement..."

Expecting it to be a lesson of frivolity and the dangers of pride, Logan listened intently. Virgil perked up a bit in eagerness.

"... people who live in grass houses should not stow thrones."

Deceit took off his hat and smacked Remus with it, then vanished into thin air. Virgil flipped up his hood with a loud groan. Logan deflated. Patton giggled.

"Thank you and come again next time!" Roman shouted as Virgil made a rude hand gesture at him.


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