Worth a Soul // pt.3 END

136 14 5

Not requested.

Ship(s): Romantic Prinxiety

Category: ?

Warning(s): None

Summary: Roman, now exiled from Hell and cut off from his only friends, returns to the one person he still cares about.


Virgil has been waiting on his roof for the last few minutes now, patiently waiting for Roman to arrive. He feels a twinge of worry; he didn't see Roman for the past few days, and the demon still hasn't made a reappearance. He shakes his head a bit. Demons have responsibilities too.


He jerks upright in time to see Roman slip off his roof, slamming into a few metal trash cans and hitting the concrete with a cry of pain.

Virgil creeps to the edge and looks down.

Roman groans where he lies in a heap. "Ouch."

"And he sticks the landing!" Virgil exclaims in an announcer voice. "10 points for hitting the trash cans on the way down."

"Really funny. Yeah, just laugh at my misery, go ahead." Roman stumbles to his feet, dusting himself off. A normal person would have a few broken bones, maybe a concussion, but Roman seems fine. Perks of being an immortal demon.

Virgil lowers himself down beside Roman. Abandoning all pretense, Roman lunges forward and wraps Virgil in a tight embrace. Virgil splutters in surprise, but doesn't pull away.

"Sorry I couldn't visit," Roman whispers, still hugging him. Tentatively, Virgil returns the gesture.

"You're fine," Virgil replies. "Are you okay?"

Roman steps back, but his hand remains on Virgil's shoulder. "Not really." He lets out a long sigh. "My superiors thought I was too attached to my deal. To you. I ran before they could confront me."

"Oh." Virgil feels like he said the wrong thing, but he still draws a blank on comforting words. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too." Roman smiles a bit. Virgil is relieved to see his grin has not lost its brilliance. "I'm mostly glad I'm here with you and not down there."

"Me too," Virgil echoes.

The quiet is awkward. They gaze at one another for several moments, each unwilling to look away, each thinking things that make them blush. After a few minutes, Roman loops his arm with Virgil's, casting a soft smile in his direction.

"I want to make another deal," Virgil blurts, before Roman can speak.

The demon raises an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

"You stay here," Virgil tells him.

Roman cracks a smirk. "I've already got your soul. What else can you offer me?"

"Hm..." Virgil leans up and kisses his cheek. "My company, I suppose."

Skin flushing red, Roman kisses him back, this time on the lips, causing Virgil to gasp and blush. "That's more than enough. It doesn't feel fair."

"Oh, you big flirt-" Both of them giggling, Virgil stands on his tip-toes to meet Roman's lips once more. "Glad I sold my soul, huh?"

"Stole my heart, more like."

"Who knew demons could be sappy?"

"Hey, I'm still terrifying! Watch. Grr. I'll bathe in your blood."

"Sure you will, Ro. Sure you will."

"Ah, you're right, I won't. I love you too much."

"Mm. I love you too, big sap."

"Emo nightmare!"


"Gasp! How dare you butcher my name in such a manner."

"Did you just say the word 'gasp'?"


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