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Not requested.

Ship(s): Romantic Prinxiety

Category: Drama/Hurt/Comfort

Warning(s): Wound descriptions

Summary: When Roman is shot on the battlefield, Virgil thinks it's the end.


"Behind you!" Roman shouted.

Virgil whirled around and blocked the enemy's blow with his sword, sending him to the ground. Virgil didn't like to kill, even those who would see him dead, but Roman held no such qualms.

Roman drove his weapon into the man's chest. He convulsed, blood spilling from the wound, then fell silent.

"Nice reflexes," Roman complimented, spinning his sword with one hand leisurely, as if a battle weren't raging around them. Despite being the heir to the throne, Roman fought with his people. He was no coward, and neither was his lover.

Virgil rolled his eyes, then lunged past Roman and knocked over a soldier, yelling, "Stay down!" He hated to see the carnage wrought by his hand, but war demanded it.

"Just kill them!" Roman cried, doing exactly that to another soldier. "They chose their fate when they tried to invade my kingdom!"

"ROMAN!" Virgil screamed, catching sight of an archer in the distance.

He was a second too late.

The arrow struck Roman between the shoulder blades, the point protruding from his chest. Roman stiffened, brown eyes wide with shock, and collapsed.

Virgil raced to his side and grabbed him. "Roman, Roman, oh god-" Blood trickled from the wound.

"Pull it out," Roman croaked. He went cross-eyed for a moment.

"No, you'll bleed to death!" Virgil cried. "I'll find a healer, I can-"

"Pull it out," Roman repeated. "Or I will do it myself."

Withholding sobs, Virgil yanked out the arrow, pulling the bloody shaft from his chest. Roman swayed on his knees, blinking rapidly, before tapping his chest.

The wound sealed.

"What the-" Virgil gaped at him. "What did you just do?"

"You think a measly arrow can kill me?" Roman huffed. "You should know better." He pushed himself to his feet, surveying the war-torn landscape. His eyes darkened. "They'll pay. All of them."

Roman rose to his feet, leaving Virgil kneeling on the ground. He tipped his head to the sky, then raised his arms.

Suddenly Roman was bathed in flames, dousing him from head to toe and rippling in waves around him. Virgil cried out and scrambled back to escape the fire. Roman opened his eyes, and they were sharp crimson.

Fire exploded from his hands. Lines of flame raced down the battlefield, scattering the enemy and inciting screams of terror and desperation. Enemy battalions broke apart and fled, leaving Roman's troops to chase after them. The fire never once touched Roman's soldiers.

Flames wreathing his hands and head like a scorching halo, Roman was now several feet off the ground, watching the enemy become overwhelmed by his forces. Chanting swelled up from the battlefield; it was Roman's soldiers, roaring victory to the gods. Roman suddenly swept into the sky, a raging comet of fire and wrath, showering the war-torn earth in ashes. His soldiers screamed their glee. Virgil looked on in horror. Fire consumed the enemy in great swaths of godly fury, an endless supply flowing from some exterior force. Roman was glowing scarlet.

Roman destroyed them with vicious sweeps of flame, barely lifting a finger, burning them all to the ground. Even when they were all dead or retreating, he never ceased, still spinning upwards in a violent cyclone that sent terror spiking through the invaders.

"Roman!" Virgil shouted, staggering to his feet. "Roman! That's enough!"

The fire raged on.

"They're dead!" Virgil shrieked. His throat was hoarse from the smoke. "Roman, IT'S OVER!"

Up in the sky, Roman looked down at him. His eyes were alight with red. "Not yet," he growled.

"End this needless carnage!" Virgil pleaded desperately. "Please, Roman, come back. Come back, my love."

The red light abruptly went out. The fire flickered out of existence, and then Roman was falling, tumbling back down to earth. Virgil raced to catch him. Right before he hit the ground, Virgil's hands sparked purple and broke his momentum, sending the pair sprawling in the dirt, both coughing and grimy but Virgil didn't care, he could only focus on the fact that Roman's eyes were closed.

"Roman," Virgil whimpered, gripping his shoulders tightly and shaking him. "Roman, no. No, no, please..." He pressed his forehead to Roman's chest. He was ridiculously warm.

A soft cough. A low groan. Virgil pulled back to see Roman's eyes fluttering open, fading back to their natural brown. He smiled weakly at Virgil.

"You look worried," he managed.

Virgil punched him. "You asshole!" he cried. "Don't do that ever again. Not even mentioning what the hell that was."

"Reincarnation's a bitch" was the only thing Roman said before his eyes were closing again and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Virgil waved over a healer and watched Roman get carried off back to the palace. He'd have to answer some questions when he woke up.

Until then...

Virgil pulled a small vial out of his pocket and knocked back the contents.

A mage and an apparently reincarnated prince. What an unlikely pair.

Time to get blackout drunk.


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