Missing Halloween (pt.2)

232 15 5

Not requested.

Ship: Platonic Prinxiety, Romantic Logicality

Category: Angst

Warnings: Bullying, major character death

Additional things: Roman and Virgil are both 9 years old in this.


Roma skipped down the sidewalk, pumpkin bag swinging at his side. Virgil followed beside him, shaking his head at Roman's antics. Roman brandished his sword, grinning, and started to fend off imaginary foes.

"Back, foul beast!" Roman cried, driving his sword into thin air. He straightened and grinned at Virgil. "I saved you!"

"You sure did," Virgil replied, smiling.

As Roman ran ahead to fight some more villains, he didn't see the pair of kids up ahead. Virgil called out a warning, but it was too late. Roman barreled into their midst, knocking the two kids over in his haste.

One of them, dressed a yellow snake, growled at him. "Roman! What the heck was that?"

"Duuuude," the other moaned, rubbing the back of his head. "My Starbucks!"

"Shut it, Remy," Dylan snapped. "Go away, freak." He shoved Roman away.

Unperturbed, and sighting an opportunity, he gestured at Virgil. "This is my friend Virgil! He needs some friends, can you guys be his friend?"

Dylan stared at him for a long moment, multi-colored eyes flicking to Virgil before resuming their glaring at Roman. "Weirdo," Dylan muttered, turning away. "Come on, Remy."

Roman blinked, letting out a breath of disappointment. Virgil's lip curled into a sneer and he started towards Dylan's receding back, intending to make him hurt like Roman, but Roman was already over it, excitedly running over to admire some decorations. Virgil reluctantly abandoned his revenge.

Roman rang the doorbell of a house enthusiastically. The door swung open, and a young man came into view, dressed in casual clothes.

"Trick or treat!" Roman sang.

The man chuckled at him. "I like your costume. What's your name?"

"Roman," Roman chirped.

"I'm Thomas." Thomas dropped several candy pieces in Roman's bag, but not Virgil's.

"Oh, can you give my friend some candy too?" Roman asked, pointing at Virgil, who raised his bag expectantly.

Thomas looked down at him, then back at Roman, chuckling. "Have a good Halloween, kid." The door clicked shut.

Roman frowned, but Virgil just sighed.

"I'm used to it," he assured him. "Don't worry about me."

Each house ended up the same way. A woman with a raging party going on inside could've been excused for the distractions, but the man in the devil costume very clearly ignored Virgil, as did the nurse in the next house. Down the rows they went, Roman collecting more and more candy while Virgil had none.

Finally, they sat atop the large, grassy hill that overlooked the entire town. Roman's bag was completely filled, and Virgil's? Completely empty. Roman scratched his head in confusion.

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