Are You Blushing, Hot Topic?

556 17 14


Ship: Romantic Prinxiety

Category: Fluff

Warnings: None

Summary: Roman finds Prinxiety content.


Roman knew he should be sleeping. Even Logan had gone to bed by now, so why was Roman still scrolling through Instagram? He didn't know either.

He was looking through the 'prinxiety' tag, grinning as he read theories and admired fanart.

Then he saw the drawing.

It was honestly one of the cutest things he'd ever seen, and he had to bite back a squeal

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It was honestly one of the cutest things he'd ever seen, and he had to bite back a squeal.

Jumping out of bed, he headed for Virgil's door, grinning, not even thinking about how the anxious side might not even be awake.

"Virgil!" Roman exclaimed, opening the door.

Virgil yelped and threw the book he was reading at Roman, the other side barely ducking in time.

"Hey, are you trying to kill me?" Roman gasped, putting a hand on his chest.

"You scared me," Virgil huffed. "Do you know what time it is, Princey?"

"Yeah, yeah, but look at this adorable thing I just saw!" Roman turned the phone so Virgil could see.

Instead of rolling his eyes and muttering, "Go to bed, Roman", Virgil's eyes widened, his lips parting, and an unmistakable blush bloomed on his cheeks. Virgil reached up and covered his mouth with his hand to hide the beginnings of a smile.

"Isn't it so cute?" Roman grinned wider and Virgil flushed crimson. "Are you blushing, Hot Topic?"

"N-No," Virgil mumbled, biting his lip. "That's- That's great, Pri-Princey. Really great. Good night."

Roman didn't budge as Virgil tried to push him out the room. "Why are you blushing?" Roman looked at the art again, and then it dawned on him. "Virgil, do you... like me?"

Virgil gulped, shook his head quickly, and buried his face in his hands.

"Hm, then what's that you got there?" Roman teased, reaching over and brushing Virgil's cheek with his thumb. Virgil let out a squeak, then groaned.

"Roman, just go to bed, okay? It's a stupid crush, just leave me alone."

"I never said it was stupid," Roman countered. "And you never bothered to ask if I felt the same."

Virgil peeked at him from behind his fingers. "... do you?"

"Well, that's a tough question to answer," Roman said, leaning forward. "... perhaps. You really are cute, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance."

"Y-You too," Virgil stuttered.

Roman'd had his suspicions from the beginning but this confirmed it. Virgil had a crush on him, and Roman reciprocated. This is basically a fanfiction, Roman thought. Woops, broke the fourth wall. Sorry, readers. Let's fix that.

Roman'd had his suspicions from the beginning but this confirmed it. Virgil had a crush on him, and Roman reciprocated. It's truly meant to be.

"Will you go out with me, Virgil?" Roman asked, noting how Virgil's blush deepened further, even beneath all those layers of white foundation.

Virgil nodded, still hiding behind his hands. After a moment, he looked up and smiled at Roman. "Love you, Princey."

"I love you too, Emo Nightmare." Roman leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to Virgil's nose, grinning ever wider when Virgil went cross-eyed and turned scarlet. "See you in the morning."

"Yea-Yeah, o-okay."

As Roman eased the door closed behind him, he pumped his fist. Who knew the power of the Fanders? Maybe if he looked at enough Logicality fanart, Patton and Logan would finally quit dancing around their feelings and get together already. Hm. He should test that theory-

-in the morning.

Roman yawned.


Art credit to "the_pastel_peach" on instagram.

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