Stolen Identity

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Not requested.

Ship(s): Platonic Anxciet

Category: Hurt/Comfort

Warning(s): tba

Summary: Early in the series, Virgil grows tired of being Anxiety and enlists Deceit to masquerade as him for a few weeks.


"Pretending to be other people? Oh, Virgil, who do you think you're talking to?"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Are you up for it or no, Dee?"

"Of course," Deceit replied, almost indignantly. He spun in a circle, and when he stopped, he was a mirror image of Virgil, right down to the ripped jeans. He smirked. "Now go have a spa day, Anxiety."

"Yeah, yeah."

Several weeks later...

Deceit drew himself up, fury swelling in his heart as Roman narrowed his eyes and spat some venomous insult meant for Virgil.

"Nobody wants you here," Roman snapped viciously, jabbing a finger in Deceit's direction. "All you do is ruin Thomas' life and crush his hopes and dreams. We'd all be better off if you were gone!"

To Deceit's shock, he no longer felt angry. Instead, a painful ache sparked inside his chest, and his eyes began to burn strangely. Behind Roman, Logan crossed his arms and did nothing to defend him. Even Patton was quiet.

"Fine," Deceit hissed, horrified to find he was nearly on the verge of tears from an insult not even intended for him. He jolted to his feet and vanished in the manner that only Dark Sides can, stumbling into the upstairs hallway. He grabbed his door handle and staggered inside.

On his bed, Virgil lounged leisurely, tapping his foot against the ground and humming a slow tune. When he saw Deceit's disheveled state, he quickly sat up.


Deceit shed his disguise, dropping the facade. He tossed off his bowler hat and unbuttoned his coat, disgusted to see that his fingers were trembling. Virgil called his name again, but he could hardly hear anything over the buzzing in his ears.

"How do you do it?" Deceit forced out, stumbling a few feet before collapsing onto the bed beside his friend. A shaky sob escaped him. "How do you get up in the morning?"

Virgil's expression morphed into one of sympathy. "Oh, Dee. I know. Come here." He pulled Deceit into an awkward side hug, but he appreciated the sentiment. Virgil laughed bitterly. "I hate them so much."

"I hate them on your behalf."

A soft chuckle escaped Virgil. "You understand why I don't want to do this anymore, yeah? I wish I could just opt out of this whole thing."

"I don't think it works like that. If it did, I'd advise you to take that route." Deceit let out a long sigh. "Now, can you please go back to doing your job? I quit."

"Yeah, it's tough. Maybe we'll do shifts."



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