Worth a Soul // pt.1

230 13 1

Ship(s): Familial Moxiety, Prinxiety

Category: Angst

Warning(s): Mentions of death

Summary: Patton is deadly sick, and Virgil has no other options. Good thing the roads cross nearby (Largely based on the crossroad demons in SPN).


Gravel scrapes at Virgil's hands as he buries his photo in a box. He covers the lid with dirt and rocks, wincing as his blood smears across the ground.

He gets to his feet and waits.

"Good evening," someone greets smoothly. "Or, rather, midnight, but hello nonetheless."

Virgil turns around. Standing in the street a few feet away is a demon.

He wears a red vest over a white t-shirt, and his jeans are white too. A little golden crown emblem decorates his sleeve, and if his eyes weren't a bloody red color, he would almost look human. He smiles, and his teeth are blinding white.

"Well?" he prods, stepping forward. "Got a deal to make or what? I'm on a timeframe, ya know."

"My dad is sick," Virgil blurts. The words ache in his chest. "Can you fix him?"

"Hm..." The demon prowls forward with the grace of a predator, hands folded behind his back. "I can. Depends, though- what are you willing to pay?"

"Anything." Virgil knows he may regret this in the future, but he can't stand to see Patton like this anymore; sick and frail, white as a sheet in the hospital bed as the cancer destroys his body. Hot tears prick his eyes. "I'd pay anything."

"Ten years," the demon tells him. He smirks. "I'll be back in ten years to collect on your deal. If you have any further wishes, I'll add a few years to your sentence."

Virgil gulps as the demon stops mere inches from him. His lips tug into an amused smile.

"Gotta seal it the traditional way," the demon whispers, leaning forward. Virgil flinches but doesn't move away as the demon kisses him. It's slow and deep, and Virgil can feel chilled hands encircling his neck when he pulls away roughly, eyes wide.

"You didn't have to do that much," Virgil accuses.

The demon shrugs and winks. "The name's Roman, by the way. Summon me by name if you need something next time. Until then, adiós, Virgil."

With that, Roman vanishes, leaving Virgil alone at the empty street with the kiss tingling on his lips.


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