Midnight Cuddles

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Not requested.

Ship(s): Pining/Platonic Analogical

Category: Fluff

Warning(s): None

Summary: The title says it all.


Logan was almost completely asleep when his bed dipped and someone collapsed onto it, right next to him. He opened his eyes, ready to chew someone out, when he realized who was lying there.

Virgil was dressed in only a black t-shirt and shorts, and he had just flopped down on Logan's bed like it was totally normal.

"Virgil, what are you doing?" Logan asked sleepily, shifting to the side so Virgil had more room.

"Heater broke," Virgil mumbled. His face was pressed into the pillow, muffling his voice. "Got cold."

"And you came in here?"

"Yes." Virgil, probably delirious from sleep, rolled over until he was curled up against Logan, who stared at the other in hazy shock. "You're warm."

They were lying there together for a good ten seconds before Logan forced himself to react. He slowly wound his arm around Virgil's chest. Automatically, Virgil made a soft noise and snuggled closer. His face flushing with warmth, Logan tucked his knees against the back of Virgil's and held him close, feeling ridiculous for noting the fact that Virgil was the little spoon.

When Virgil shivered a bit, Logan reached over and tossed the blanket over them, tucking it around Virgil.

Eventually, when Logan had settled into a comfortable position--his chest pressed to Virgil's back, arm wrapped around Virgil and their legs intertwined--he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.


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