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Not requested.

Ship: Pining Virgil x Anyone, platonic Analogical

Category: Hurt/Comfort

Warnings: None

Summary: Virgil and Logan have a serious talk about love.


"You love him?"

The phrase is so simple, and so forbidden. Virgil can barely stand to listen.

"He's a boy. It's not allowed." He cradles his phone close, his best friend's calm voice on the other end of the line. "But, I do like him. That's allowed."

"It is," Logan agrees softly. "He's handsome."

"He's so handsome he makes my bones ache."

"With desire?"

"That's not appropriate," Virgil scolds lightly. "But the other day, he smiled at me, and I think I stopped breathing. I think he broke me a little."

"He causes you so much pain?"

"My chest aches around him. I feel like I'm swallowing dying stars."

"Maybe you should like him less."

Virgil chuckles lightly. Logan always took the easy way out. Not with this. "Yes, that would be the sensible thing to do. And yet..."

"And yet?"

"It feels like I can bear that pain, over and over. Every second I'm with him, I can bear it. Every second I'm with him, it hurts less."

"That sounds an awful lot like love."

"It could be," Virgil admits, less to Logan than himself.

"You're not afraid anymore?"

"He makes me brave."


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