Dancing in the Dark

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Not requested.

Ship: Romantic Moxiety

Category: Fluff

Warnings: None

Summary: Virgil teaches Patton how to dance.


"Hey, I love this song!" Virgil exclaimed. The technicolor blue and purple lights from above washed over his features, casting dark shadows beneath his eyes and highlighting his gleaming dark eyes. In short, he was beautiful.

Said song, playing from the huge speakers on the bleachers, was slow and light, and Patton enjoyed it well enough, but he hoped that Virgil didn't ask him to dance. It was prom, after all, but he didn't know how to break it to his boyfriend that he couldn't dance. He looked idiot when he tried.

"Wise men say," Virgil sang along softly, grasping Patton's hands in his own. "Come on, let's dance!"

Patton shied away, biting his lip. "I... I don't know."

"It's okay," Virgil assured him gently. "Just an easy waltz, okay?"

"Easy?" Patton huffed a laugh. "You have a skewed definition of the word 'easy". Nah, I'm good. Let's just get some food. There's punch left, see-"

Before he could escape to the punch bowl, Virgil grabbed his arm. "Hey," he said, pulling Patton close. "Are you embarrassed? No one cares, we'll be-"

"I can't dance!" Patton blurted. Virgil's eyebrows lifted. "I'm sorry, I can't dance. You can dance with Roman or something. I heard he took lessons when he was like twelve-"

"No," Virgil interrupted. "I want to dance with you." His expression was earnest. The music played on. "Let me teach you."

"... okay," Patton agreed quietly. "Just not out there, please?"

"Sure. We can practice right here." One of Virgil's hands reached up and laced his fingers with Patton's. The other cupped his waist gently. Virgil guided Patton's hand to his shoulder, smiling. "When I move here, you step there." Virgil moved, and Patton clumsily copied him.

They swayed together slowly, Elvis Presley's low voice humming in their ears, lights pulsing faintly above. Beneath the bleachers, they danced with one another, Patton's feet twisting and nearly causing him to trip. Virgil caught him easily, his strong arms looping around Patton's waist as he turned the fall into a graceful dip. Virgil's eyes were kind, his lips parting as a soft chuckle escaped him.

"I love you," Patton found himself saying, the words forming without his permission.

Virgil laughed, then swept Patton into a standing position once more, leaning close so that their foreheads touched. Virgil carried the scent of jasmine in his black suit. Patton could live in that smell forever.

"I love you too-" Virgil pressed a quick kiss to his nose, causing Patton to giggle, "-you big dork." Then Virgil tilted his head, listening to the music. "It's the chorus."

Together, their voices mingling and fingers warm in each other's grip, they sang to one another: "But I can't help falling in love with you."


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this one. I know I've been lacking in uploads lately, and I have school and chores and overall life to deal with, so deepest apologies.

Also, I'm going on a camping trip this weekend, so Monday will probably be my next upload. I won't have internet connection, but I will be bringing my notebook to finish up something I've been working on.

Happy weekend y'all! 💞💞

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