Dark Sides

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Not requested

Ship(s): Platonic Anxceit, implied/pining Pride x Cynic, fraternal Apathy x Impulsivity

Category: Angst/Hurt/Comfort

Warnings: Dark sides in general, but most of them are okay

Summary: The Dark Sides aren't so bad after all.


Contrary to popular belief, the Dark Sides weren't so bad. None of them actively sought to hurt the host, although their methods of protection could be morally questionable. They were a flock of seven, and they stuck together.

Anxiety protected them. He made sure they didn't get hurt, that they didn't wander too close to the Light Sides. He took up a leadership role, working closely with Deceit to take care of his family.

But then he left. Anxiety packed up his things and left one day, his door fading like it had never existed. Deceit bitterly informed them that he lived with the Light Sides now, and grudgingly took up the mantle. Deceit wasn't as powerful as Anxiety, nor as assertive. He cared more about protecting Thomas than them. But it was fine.

They all lived under Deceit for many years, wishing less and less for Anxiety to come back. The anxious side visited briefly every few months, making sure no one had died.

The inhabitants of their part of the Mindscape included: Pride, counterpart of Creativity; Cynic, counterpart of Logic; Impulsivity, bordering Creativity and Morality; and Apathy, another counterpart/addition of Logic.

Pride wore white jeans, red sneakers, a blood red leather jacket over a band shirt, and a red scarf tied around his neck. He also had a white and red mask over his face that hid his features, and he communicated through sign-language. The reason he did this was well known by his once-close companion Cynic, but it was not a happy memory.

Cynic was much more formal than the others. He wore a dark blue cardigan and dress pants, and his hair was combed to perfection. His eyes were sharp, but not as sharp as his tongue, and he was always quick to offer negative input to the table. Thomas couldn't be an optimist all the time, right?

Apathy had no fashion sense. He wore a grey shirt and grey jeans, and everything he touched he drained of color. He was constantly eating sweets, but mumbled dully that he couldn't taste them.

Impulsivity wore a bizarre combination of whatever he grabbed from his ever-shifting wardrobe that morning. One morning, it might be a bright orange shirt and green shorts, or maybe a rainbow headband and woolen gloves. He didn't have a style, in that his style was random.

The four of them got along mostly okay(Pride and Cynic fought almost every day, while they would do anything to keep the others safe). They lived in a seperate part of the Mindscape, away from the Light Sides where they could carry out their duties in peace.

Everything was good. That was, until Morality stumbled upon a hidden doorway, and unleashed a monster greater than any of them.


A figure in the darkness chuckled to himself. Dressed in a black button up suit with a white cape, Depression bided his time. Years ago, when Deceit and Anxiety were at the height of their power, they locked him away where he couldn't extend his influence to Thomas. But that was fine. He had been reaching out for several weeks now, urging the Moral Side closer. Morality, oh, the heart.

White gloved hands gripped a cane tightly, the bottom clicking against the concrete floor. Depression turned his sightless, milky white eyes to the ceiling.



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