Chapter 1: Juniors

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A/N: This is my first story so please leave comments of constructive criticism! Also this story is in third person P.O.V!  The alphas are all 18, and the omegas are all 17. They are all in junior year because in this book the alphas start and year later in school. Example: Going into kindergarten- Omegas are 6 y/o and Alphas are 7 y/o. Basically being held back a year.


Kim Taehyung woke up on a crisp September morning to the sound of birds outside his window, and the loud screeching of his alarm clock next to him. He groggily hit the snooze button and sat up. Running his fingers through his hair, he let out a small yawn. He stood up and went to his dresser where he picked out an outfit for the first day of his junior year in high school. After quickly slipping on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a light red sweater with black flowers on it, he brushed his hair and went downstairs.

"Morning Tae!" Jimin and Jin almost said in unison. Tae lived with his two best friends since the first day of high school- Jin and Jimin. All three of them were omegas, so they stuck together and always stood up for each other. Especially if there was an alpha bothering one of them.

"Morning. What's for breakfast Jin?" Taehyung asked as he applied a small amount of eyeliner and blush in the hallway mirror. The omegas house wasn't big nor small- there were three bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a small living room. The hallway connected the kitchen and the living room, and halfway down the hall was the staircase to the second floor where the bathroom and bedrooms were.

Once Taehyung was done applying eyeliner and blush, he sat down at the table in the kitchen. "I decided to make scrambled eggs with toast," Jin answered while cooking the food.

"Sounds good thanks Jin!" Tae remarked hungrily. He gladly took his plate with scrambled eggs and toast from Jin, and Jimin did the same. As they all sat down around their table, Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's up?" Taehyung asked while munching on his toast. Jimin looked up at Tae with a small smile.

"Oh well, I just found out that those four Alphas are all in our class," Jimin sighed worriedly. Jin noticed how Jimin was getting stressed already, and patted his back.

"We're both here for you, don't worry Jiminie!" Jin smiles at Jimin, and Tae did the same.

"Mhm! Thanks Jin!" Jimin now ate his toast and eggs along with the others. Their kitchen was one of the places they spent the most time in. It was cozy was the thing, because of how the ash brown tile floor complimented the light grey walls, and the dark grey marble counters. The kitchen table was at the other side of the room and had six chairs around it. Although they really only needed three, it didn't look right without all of the chairs- or at least that's what Jin said. And no one messed with how Jin wanted the kitchen, because he was always in there cooking. He practically owned the kitchen.

As soon as they all finished up and put their plates in the sink, they decided it was probably a good idea to start walking to school.

"So I hear we are on the second floor this year! We have Mrs. Choi as our teacher. She's pretty kind so i'm not complaining!" Jimin talked about their classroom and new teacher all the way to the school. By the time they got there Tae and Jin were exhausted- and it was only 8:00 AM.

"Here it is," Jin pointed to their classroom as they made their way to the second floor. Their classroom was down the hall to the left. When they arrived, the four alphas were already there.

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