Chapter 9: Ditching

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A/N: I almost didn't update today cause I was pretty tired, but I couldn't bring myself to do that! I had to update for Namjoon's birthday and for anyone who reads this! (Thanks for reading!)


The next time the boys woke up, it was 11:30.

Tae looked around and saw everyone on their phones, cuddling with each other. Or in Yoongi's case, with a Kumamon plushie. Tae chuckled at Yoongi as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Hey babe~," Jungkook grinned at the omega. Tae became flustered as he started to remember what had happened the night before.

"I'm not your babe, so don't call me that," Tae continued denying his feelings for Jungkook, although everyone knew they were there.

"Heh, adorable," Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek, with a blush in response from the omega.

"Get a room guys~," Hoseok teased.

"Be quiet! You should've seen what you and Jimin were up to last night- practically eating each other's faces," Jimin covered his face with his small hands as Hoseok growled at Jungkook.

"Calm down i'm just joking!" Jungkook chuckled nervously.

Tae stood up and stretched his arms. He felt something hit his ass really hard with a slap, and a stinging sensation was left behind.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Tae turned around blushing and embarrassed. Jungkook just smirked.

"That's alpha to you, Kim Taehyung," Jungkook tried hitting Tae's ass again, but the omega caught his arm by the wrist.

"Feisty! I like it," Jungkook licked his lips.

"Ugh I can't stand anymore of this- i'm starving and I think i'm going to be in full blown heat by the end of the day," Jin whined as he stood up, Namjoon resting his head on Jin's shoulder.

"We should probably go get something to eat huh?" Namjoon asked the group. Everyone agreed, so they packed up their stuff and left the karaoke room that reeked of alcohol and sweat.

"Where should we go?" Namjoon asked Jin. The omega closed his eyes for a second and then gasped.

"Olive Garden. I need some breadsticks RIGHT NOW," Jin melted into the passenger seat of the van thinking about food.

"Sounds good," and Namjoon started the engine and drove to the Olive Garden at the other side of town.

When they arrived, they asked for a table of seven. They didn't wait too long before they were seated.

"What drinks can I get for you?" the waitress asked.

"Cola," Tae said.

"Water," Jimin said.

"Cola," Jin told the waitress.

"Water," Yoongi also told the waitress.

"Cola," Jungkook put his arm around Tae's shoulder as he told the waitress what he wanted.

"Water," Namjoon rubbed Jin's back as he started quietly whining for food.

"And sprite!" Hoseok told the waitress cheerily.

The waitress nodded and walked off.

"You always get Sprite Hoseok," Jungkook said. "Why?"

"Because, it's the superior drink out of all the sodas."

"Sure," and with that the waitress came back and handed out their drinks.

"Ready to order?" everyone nodded as Jin got ready to order.

"Four orders of breadsticks and two medium servings of pasta, p-a-s-t-a pasta," Jin ordered.

The waitress nodded with a smile and returned to the kitchen.

"I hope it doesn't take long or my stomach is going to start eating itself," Jin rested his head on his hand. Namjoon just chuckled.

"I think it will be here soon!" in fact, Namjoon tipped the waitress twenty bucks to speed up the order for Jin.

"While we are waiting how about we play a quick round of truth or dare?" Jungkook asked with a suspicious grin on his face.

"No thanks, we're in public," Tae shook his head.

"But we're in the corner in the back of the restaurant Tae," Jimin smiled.

"Not helping!" Tae mouthed to Jimin, who just shrugged.

"Alright let's play then," Jungkook cracked his knuckles. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Jimin said excitedly. "Okay.. TaeTae truth or dare?" Tae sighed, as he knew Jimin was planning something.

"Dare," Tae said- just to make things interesting.

"I dare you... to kiss Jungkook! On the LIPS," Jimin clapped his small hands together happily.

Tae saw this coming from a mile away.


"What? But you have to do the dare!" Jimin whined.

"Or what?"

"Or.. you're a chicken! BAWK BAWK!" Jimin stuck his tongue out at Tae, who was getting annoyed.

"Alright fine," Tae turned to Jungkook who was patiently waiting with a smirk on his face.

Tae moved towards the alpha and as he did, Jungkook grabbed the omega's waist and pulled him closer. Their lips smashed together as Jungkook stuck his tongue in Tae's mouth, causing Tae to blush a bright red. When they broke apart Jimin was squealing and the rest of them were just smirking.

Tae cleared his throat.

"Okay I did the dare."

At that moment everyone looked beside them to see the waitress with their food. Eyes wide and her cheeks slightly pink, she quickly gave them their food.

"Sorry for i-interrupting!" and with that she quickly walked away.

"Awkward," Yoongi said, and everyone laughed.

They all ate the breadsticks and pasta, and had a great time. They talked and laughed a lot.

"Ugh i'm so full," Tae rubbed his stomach.

"I never want to see food again," Jin said. Everyone looked wide eyed at Jin. "Nah just kidding!" Everyone started laughing again.

"Well, what now? It's only 12:30," Yoongi said resting his head on the back of the booth.

"We should go to the beach!" Jimin smiled at everyone. "It's really nice outside today!"

The other six boys thought for a moment, and then agreed.

"Great idea! Let's grab our bathing suits from our houses and go!" Jin jumped up.

So the seven boys ran out of Olive Garden and headed to the van to go grab their bathing suits.


A/N: So yes, a quick boring chapter. Did you catch the Hoseok and Jin jokes? I applaud you if you did! Anyways, Happy Birthday to the one and only Kim Namjoon, Leader of BTS! See you tomorrow! I purple you!

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