Chapter 22: 7 Minutes In Heaven Part 3

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A/N: Sorry for not updating a lot! Still not really sure what my schedule is! Just know that for the next few weeks i'm going to be busy so i'll still update, it might just take a little longer! I love writing this story so I won't stop! Also, I swear Namjoon is so whipped for Jin.

A/N: Sorry for not updating a lot! Still not really sure what my schedule is! Just know that for the next few weeks i'm going to be busy so i'll still update, it might just take a little longer! I love writing this story so I won't stop! Also, I s...

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"Alright you two; Namjoon and Jin, it's your turn," Jungkook said pointing at the closet with a grin.

Jin blushed red as Namjoon grabbed the omega's hand and pulled him in to the closet. The door shut behind them as Jungkook set the timer.

You might think that Jin and Namjoon have the purest, fluffiest relationship. They share sweet kisses and cutesy nicknames. They're always cuddling or doing something innocent together. But that's only because they hide what they do behind closed doors. They are by far the kinkiest out of the rest of the boys. They have tried everything from BDSM to the point where they bought a book that had hundreds of things to try. If you looked around in Namjoon's room, you would find so many toys, different kinds of lube, and books and magazines depicting BDSM content.

Sitting in the dark closet, Namjoon smirked at the younger. He reached behind a box in the closet where he had hid two new toys to try out. He pulled out a leather collar that had a leash tied to it. He also pulled out the ever so iconic pink fluffy handcuffs.

Before Jin got with Namjoon, he would have freaked out seeing that kind of stuff. But Namjoon had an influence on him. Jin just blushed red as he saw what the older pulled out.

"Ready Jinnie?" Namjoon smirked as he got closer to the omega.

Jin nodded as he blushed. He took his clothes off first, as this was how they normally did it. Namjoon took his shirt and pants off, but left his boxers on. His member was already slightly hard.

Pulling Jin onto his lap Namjoon wrapped the collar around the younger's neck. He then pulled Jin's hands together and locked them together with the handcuffs. Jin blushed, staring at Namjoon with big brown eyes. Namjoon was getting hornier every second he stared at the omega.

"I haven't marked you yet baby, can I?"

Jin nodded as he turned around on the alpha's lap, slightly grinding down on his crotch. He revealed his neck for Namjoon, waiting for the older to claim him as his own. Namjoon licked the younger's nape, a small moan coming from Jin's mouth. The older put his fangs on the omega's scent gland, and slowly started pushing his teeth in, biting down quickly once he broke the skin. The younger moaned slightly, his neck burning with pain yet also with pleasure.

Namjoon pulled out after marking his now mate.

"All fours babe."

Jin knew what to do. He got on his hands and knees, slightly arching his back to accentuate his curves. Namjoon licked his lips, ready to take what was his for the nth time. He grabbed the end of the leash that was attached to the younger's collar, and pulled slightly. Jin's head raised a bit with a small groan. He then grabbed the omega's waist as he removed his boxers. His member came out, hard and wet. He rubbed his member on the entrance of the younger's hole, teasing him. Jin squirmed, not wanting to be teased, just wanting his mate inside him.

"P-please alpha," Jin moaned, arching his back while squirming.

Namjoon licked his lips.

"I couldn't hear what you said babe."

"P-please alpha."

"Still can't hear you."

"F-fuck me alpha," Jin moaned loudly. His back arched suddenly as Namjoon thrust hard into the younger's hole.

Jin didn't even need to adjust to the older's large size, he had done this a million times already. Namjoon started thrusting in and out, their bodies slapping against each other's wet skin. The two boys scents and moans filled the air, along with grunts from the older. He thrust in harder and harder each time, eventually hitting the younger's prostate. He was greeted with the loudest and most beautiful moan from the younger, who was enjoying himself to the max. They were both in their own worlds as their euphoric fuck continued.

Namjoon continued thrusting into the younger, abusing his prostate. He continued pounding into him for what felt like forever. Finally the two of them started reaching their climax.

"J-Joonie," Jin moaned out, face sweaty and saliva running down his chin from moaning in pleasure.

"Me too babe," Namjoon replies as he thrusted harder and harder.

Two loud moans filled the room. The two came at the same time. Jin fell in his cum from exhaustion while Namjoon filled the younger's hole before collapsing on top of the younger. Both of them lied there panting before the older got up and cleaned himself up. He slipped his clothes on before he picked up his mate. He cleaned off the younger and pulled the leash, bringing Jin closer to him.

"You were great babe. Such a sex slut, I love it," Jin blushed with a small smile as they started making out, Jin completely naked.

"SEVEN MINUTES IS- OH SHIT!" Jungkook yelled as he swung the door open. The five boys outside the closet just stared at Jin and Namjoon who had quickly pulled apart from shock. They all had wide eyes except for Namjoon who rolled his eyes in annoyance. Suga just started chuckling.

"Could you maybe close the door Junglecock?"

Jungkook quickly closed the door, still shocked.

"Hurry up you kinky fucks! I need to go burn my eyes!"

Jin was blushing a dark red as he leaned into Namjoon's chest. The older kissed Jin's head before removing the handcuffs and collar. The younger put his clothes on and they walked out of the closet and sat back down on the floor where everyone was.

"Next time we decide to play a game, seven minutes in heaven is not on the list," Jungkook shook his head as Tae giggled.

"Agreed," the other six boys chuckled before lying down, and passing out. Tae cuddling Jungkook, Suga and Hoseok cuddling, Jimin eventually joining them, and Jin and Namjoon cuddling. It looked cute but that night was extremely dirty. Nothing innocent happened, not even in their dreams.

A/N: I J-Hope this chapter made up for the lack of updates! I'll try my best these upcoming weeks to be consistent! Although Fake Love just started playing so who knows if i'm lying. 🤔 Just kidding! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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