Chapter 29: Date Night Part 3

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A/N: Be prepared for this chapter! The fluff is long gone! Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments! It makes me so happy! Ily all so much! 💜


Namjoon quickly parked his van in the hotel's parking lot. Helping Jin out of the van, they sprinted in to the hotel.

"Hotel room 69, Kim Namjoon," the alpha panted heavily from running as the lady at the hotel desk handed him his room key.

They went to the elevators and rode up to the sixth floor, walking down the hall to their room.

Namjoon unlocked the door and opened it, Jin walking inside first. The older then quickly closed and locked the door behind him, pinning Jin to the wall.

"I can't wait any longer baby. I've missed you," Namjoon whispered into the younger's ear, his hot breath caressing Jin's ear. A tingle shook Jin's spine.

"M-me neither Joonie."

Namjoon pulled the younger closer to him, their hips touching as their lips crashed together. It was a kiss filled with lust and craving for each other. Their hot breath filled the space between them when they broke for air. Namjoon gently bit the younger's bottom lip, gaining entrance and quickly sticking his tongue in to meet Jin's. The two messily moved their tongues around, moaning into the kiss as they hungrily bit and sucked on each other's lips.

Picking Jin up by the waist, Namjoon walked to the hotel bed, the kiss never breaking. He let Jin down onto the bed, leaning over the younger. Jin looked so hot lying their out of breath, slightly sweaty, his lips plump and red. Namjoon licked his lips as he practically ripped his shirt off. He ran his cold hands up the younger's stomach and chest, causing the younger to moan. He licked Jin's pink nipples, teasing with his tongue.

"P-please," Jin moaned as his back arched slightly in discomfort at the teasing.

Namjoon smirked.

"Please what baby?"

Namjoon continued teasing as the younger shakily managed to get out his words.

"P-please f-fuck me."

Namjoon growled sexily next to the younger's ear.

"Whatever you want baby."

The hot breath against Jin's ear soon moved down to his pants, where Namjoon was kissing a line down his clothed member.

Jin moaned as he tried to palm himself, getting his hand rejected by the older.

Namjoon pulled off his pants and boxers, doing the same to the younger. He gave Jin another sloppy and hungry kiss before flipping him around on the bed.

"Stick your ass in the air for me Jinnie."

Jin did as he was told, sticking his ass in the air as Namjoon grabbed the younger's hips, leaning his face down to Jin's hole. Namjoon licked the rim of the younger's pink hole, moans coming from the latter. The older smirked as he slowly slid his tongue in. As he started to thrust his tongue in faster, Jin moaned louder.

"M-more alpha."

Namjoon pulled his tongue out, causing the younger to whine. He smacked Jin's ass, causing him to yelp and stop whining. Namjoon lined his member up with the younger's hole, teasing as he poked the hole lightly.

"N-no more t-teasing please J-Joonie."

With that, Namjoon thrust in fast and hard without warning. Jin moaned in pain and pleasure as he adjusted to the older's large size. Once adjusted, Namjoon began thrusting harder and faster, almost at an inhuman pace. He had found Jin's prostate with a loud and long moan from the younger, who was a moaning and blushing mess underneath him. Abusing his prostate, Namjoon thrust in harder and harder, the best Jin had ever had from the older.

"I-i'm going to come J-Joonie."

Jin moaned as he began to arch his back, ready to come. But Namjoon quickly moved one hand to the younger's member, squeezing the base tightly and preventing him to release. The younger squirmed and moaned uncomfortably at the overstimulation, not being able to release.

"Wait for me to catch up baby," Namjoon moaned into the younger's ear with a raspy voice. This just made it harder for Jin to control his overwhelming urge to release.

Namjoon thrust harder and harder, lifting Jin up onto his member so that the younger was now riding him. Moans and skin slapping filled the room as the younger bounced up and down on Namjoon's member, trying his hardest even though he had to release more than ever before.

Finally Namjoon was ready to come. He released Jin's member, and they came almost simultaneously. Cum getting all over the bed and each other, they collapsed, a panting mess.

After gaining their breath back, they cleaned up the bed and themselves. Namjoon and Jin cuddled under the warm bed sheets that they had changed from the previous dirty ones.

"This was the best date ever Joonie. I love you so much," Jin cuddled closer to the older's chest happily.

Namjoon chuckled sweetly. "I'm glad you liked it Jinnie. I love you more than anyone else in the world."

And with that, the two of them fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, smiles on their faces.

A/N: Hope that was good! I still get embarrassed writing smut! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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