Chapter 41: Thanksgiving Plans

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A/N: Sorry for updating late! The Thanksgiving special chapters begin! Also, I saw that photo and immediately made it my wallpaper lol ^


All seven boys were walking home from school, each of them drinking milk from the café they had stopped at before heading home.

Jungkook was holding hands with Taehyung, the two sharing a carton of banana milk which was the older's favorite.

Yoongi had a carton of vanilla milk, Hoseok a carton of chocolate milk, and Jimin a carton of strawberry milk.

Namjoon and Jin each had a carton of coffee milk and were sharing a white chocolate chip cookie that Jin had insisted on buying.

"Um, so what are we doing for Thanksgiving?" Jimin asked as they reached their house, Namjoon unlocking the door as they all walked in and sprawled out in the living room.

"I don't know actually, my parents are busy," Namjoon shrugged.

"Mine are busy too," Jin yawned as he lied his head down on Namjoon's chest.

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, raising one eyebrow.

"My uh.. parents want to meet you Tae, so they wanted me to invite you to Thanksgiving at their house," Jungkook shyly scratched the back of his head, looking down at his lap.

Taehyung giggled as he climbed into the older's lap.

"I'll go meet them!" Tae smiled at Jungkook. The older looked back at him and they kissed for a minute before Tae lied down in the Jungkook's lap.

"We should go out for dinner somewhere Jin! You won't have to cook a whole meal for Thanksgiving that way," Namjoon smiled, kissing Jin's forehead.

"That's a great idea Joonie! I trust you to pick out a good restaurant."

"I guess that leaves us three with the house to ourselves!" Hoseok grabbed Jimin with his right arm and Yoongi with his left, squishing them.

"I'm fine with that, but if I suffocate I won't be able to enjoy Thanksgiving with you," Jimin whined, struggling to get air.

"Same with me," Yoongi muttered as he wriggled around in Hoseok's hold.

The older of the three let them go with a chuckle.

"Oops, sorry."

Everyone laughed as Hoseok nervously put his hands up to the glaring Yoongi and Jimin.

The boys now had their own plans for Thanksgiving.

Namjoon took Jin upstairs to watch a movie, although the alpha planned on finding a good restaurant during the movie.

Yoongi put Mario Kart on the TV, Hoseok and Jimin playing round after round with him.

That left Tae to drag Jungkook all the way to the mall to buy an outfit for Thanksgiving dinner with the alpha's parents.

Taehyung was window shopping, looking at different styles of clothing, Jungkook being dragged along behind the younger.

"None of these clothes would look good on me," Tae pouted, furrowing his eyebrows.

Jungkook sighed.

"Baby, you're perfect the way you are. My parents will love you for your sweet personality not because of what you're wearing."

Tae stopped and looked up at Jungkook.

"R-really? They won't think i'm some stupid boy who can't afford a nice pair of pants?" Tae asked, very serious as he awaited the older's answer.

Jungkook laughed as he patted the younger's head.

"Taehyung, you own better pants than any other person in this world does. And they won't think you're some stupid boy."

Taehyung threw his arms and legs around his boyfriend, giving him a big bear hug and lots of kisses.

"I love you Kookie. You make me the happiest boy in the world."

Jungkook kissed Tae, cooing at the cute boy clinging to him as if he was a koala.

"I love you too TaeTae, you make me the happiest in the world."

A/N: Just some fluff as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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