Chapter 21: 7 Minutes In Heaven Part 2

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A/N: So this 7 minutes in heaven event is going to be three chapters. One for each ship. Here's an early update because I wanted to update!


"Who's next?" Namjoon asked.

"Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin," Jungkook laughed with a sneaky smile on his face.

Jimin opened his eyes wide. The other boys pushed the three in; Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi. The door shut behind them as they heard Namjoon yell.

"Theee knocks when you can come out! Same as Tae and Jungkook!"

Jimin shifted nervously in the dark closet, moving towards the back corner. He brought his knees to his chest with a sigh.

"So?" Hoseok said, sounding really drunk. "We gonna makeout and have a threesome or what?"

Jimin shook his head vigorously.

"I-I don't want to. Not in this dark closet while everyone's drunk."

Hoseok sighed.

"Jimin don't be such a pussy. Just come here and make out with us."

Jimin put his face in his knees after shaking his head again.


"Ugh fine be that way," Hoseok rolled his eyes with a scoff, turning to Yoongi. He smirked at the younger alpha, who was only a month younger than him.

"W-what are you looking at me for bitch?" Yoongi pouted, as drunk as Hoseok.

Hoseok moved closer to Yoongi.

"For an alpha, you're cute and small like an omega."

Yoongi blushed, getting angry.

"Hey! I'm not small!"

"Oh really?"


"I don't believe you," Hoseok smirked as he teased the alpha. Yoongi growled as he moved to sit on Hoseok's lap.

"No omega would do this!" Yoongi put his arms around the older's neck, smashing their lips together. Hoseok smirked during the kiss knowing he had won by teasing Yoongi.

Yoongi slowly started enjoying the kiss more as Hoseok gently bit his bottom lip, asking for entrance into the younger's mouth. Yoongi opened his mouth for Hoseok, who messily shoved his tongue into the other alphas mouth, roughly moving his tongue around. Yoongi moaned as the two continued furiously making out, forgetting Jimin who was sitting in the corner of the room. Jimin was watching with a blush on his face, wishing he wasn't in the closet with the two.

The two alphas parted, saliva running down their chins. Hoseok moved to the younger alphas neck and began sucking and licking, leaving hickeys all over. Yoongi's neck was soon covered in red and purple circles, left by Hoseok.

"Ughh.. Hoseok more..." Yoongi moaned as the older alpha smirked. He grabbed Yoongi's ass, getting a small squeal from him. Hoseok pulled down the younger's pants and boxers, revealing Yoongi's hole which was slightly wet. Hoseok put the alpha on his hands and knees, grabbing his ass. The older licked his lips as he shoved his tongue into the younger's hole. Yoongi immediately started panting and moaning in pleasure, Hoseok shoving his tongue deeper into the younger.

"S-so good a-alpha," Yoongi moaned as if he was an omega, and not an alpha.

Hoseok smirked, not knowing that the stubborn alpha could be dominated so easily. The older pulled his tongue out, leaving the younger surprised.

"W-why did you stop?" Yoongi whined, obviously wanting more.

"Beg for me and i'll really fuck you."

Yoongi whined, annoyed.

"P-please f-fuck me alpha."

Hoseok removed his pants and boxers, revealing his large member that was leaking precum. Hoseok grabbed the younger's hips, thrusting in without notice. Yoongi moaned as he tried to get used to the older's size, grinding down on his large member.

"P-please alpha," Yoongi begged as he stuck his ass in the air and rested his head on his arms. Hoseok smirked.

"Whatever you say, baby."

Hoseok thrust in to the alphas hole, which was now extremely wet. He thrust in hard, furiously pounding into the alpha. Skin slapping against skin, Yoongi's moans and Hoseok's grunts filled the small closet.

Jimin clenched his eyes shut and covered his ears with his hands. He had done this before but it was different when you were watching and not doing it.

"M-more," Yoongi begged.

Hoseok thrusted farther into the younger, Yoongi now a moaning mess. Hoseok felt his member hit something and knew he had reached Yoongi's g-spot.

"R-right there alpha," Yoongi moaned as he threw his head back in the air.

Hoseok pounded harder, abusing the younger's prostate until Yoongi was shaking with pleasure.

"I'm gonna come," Yoongi started shaking as he released on the floor, Hoseok pounding harder into the younger alpha as he released too.

Slowly pulling out, Hoseok put his pants and boxers on and collapsed on the floor. Yoongi's ass was dripping cum as he collapsed on the floor too.

Jimin just sat there, trying not to think about what he had just witnessed as heavy pants from the two alphas filled the room.

Knock, Knock, Knock!

"You can come out now!" Namjoon yelled.

Hoseok got up and quickly cleaned Yoongi's cum off the floor with tissues that were in the closet. Yoongi got up and cleaned himself off before putting his pants and boxers on.

Jimin ran out the door and sat on the ground, blushing furiously. Everyone stared at Jimin curiously as the disheveled alphas walked out of the closet.

"What happened in there? Which one of you got fucked in the ass this time?" Jungkook chuckled.

Yoongi just blushed as he sat down, trying not to act obvious that he had been dominated by the other alpha.

On the other hand, Hoseok smirked feeling proud of himself.

"Well, I was the top. But that's all i'll say."

Jin, Namjoon, Tae, and Jungkook all made disappointed sounds.

"Hey, I don't kiss and tell," Hoseok crossed his arms with a chuckle.

"More like fuck and tell," Jimin muttered.

"Alright you two; Namjoon and Jin, it's your turn," Jungkook said pointing at the closet with a grin.

A/N: I thought this chapter was pretty good! As much as I love Jihope, i'm weaker for Yoonseok. Although there will be Yoonmin for them Yoonmin shippers. Don't worry lol! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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