Chapter 43: Dinner

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A/N: Here is the Thanksgiving special! Hopefully it's good! By the way, this chapter is Taekook focused!

"Tae hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Jungkook yelled, knocking on the room's door.

Taehyung was currently getting dressed in his and Jungkook's shared room, making sure his makeup was not too much and just enough. He was also making sure his silver, curly hair was fluffed and styled perfectly. After making sure his clothes were wrinkle free, Tae put in his iconic dangling earring and nodded happily.

The omega walked out of his room, coming face to face with an irritated Jungkook. Although the irritation didn't last long as the alpha scanned his eyes up and down the omega's body, his tiny waist and long legs, his beautiful arms and slender-

"Jungkook! Stop daydreaming!" Tae snapped his fingers in front of the alpha's face.

"Ah, sorry baby. You just look really hot," Jungkook rubbed the back of his head with a smile as his face flushed a slight pink.

Tae blushed too as he grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him downstairs and out the front door. Once outside the two got into their car and drove to Jungkook's parents house.

"Don't be nervous, they aren't homophobic or anything," Jungkook chuckled, trying to ease the nervous aura the younger was emitting.

"It's okay i'm not nervous Kookie, your family sounds great. My stomach just hurts a little bit," the omega gave a pained smile to the older.

Jungkook put his hand in Tae's, intertwining their fingers.

"I'll take care of you," Jungkook smirked, feeling the younger release his tension as he gave Jungkook's hand a squeeze.

After a short drive the two boys arrived at Jungkook's parents house.

They walked up to the front door of the house, hands still connected as Jungkook rang the doorbell.

Not even five seconds later the door swung open revealing a small woman with dark black hair, kind eyes and a rabbit smile just like Jungkook.

"Kookie! And TaeTae!" the woman exclaimed, pulling the two in for a hug.

"Hey Eomma! It's been a while!" Jungkook smiled, pulling away from his mom.

"I know and you look so big now! You even got yourself a beautiful boyfriend! Look how cute he is! And a male omega at that, quite rare isn't it?" Jungkook's mom pulled the boys in the house, closing the door behind them.

The three all sat down at a medium sized dining room table in the cozy house. Jungkook's family was somewhat rich, but they didn't live in a mansion with butlers or anything. They lived in a normal sized two bedroom house like most of the middle class, not wanting to flaunt their money.

"I mean, I guess it's somewhat rare although my friends Jin and Jimin are also male omegas," Tae smiled, the three continuing the chat they were having before.

"Really? I'll have to meet them sometime!"

Jungkook smiled happily as Tae and his mom got along.

After a few minutes more of talking Jungkook's dad came out of the kitchen with a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and a pumpkin pie.

"Wow honey this looks great! Thank you so much!" Jungkook's mom stood up and gave her husband a kiss, the man smiling a rabbit smile as well, his eyes hiding behind a pair of glasses.

"Hey son! It's been so long!" Jungkook's dad got up and gave his son a hug and kiss before sitting down at the table. Everyone began piling food onto their plates, eating the delicious home cooked meal before it got cold.

"So, is this the boyfriend i've been hearing about?" Jungkook's dad smiled, waiting for his son to tell him all about his future son in law.

"Yeah it is! His name is Kim Taehyung, but i'll let him talk more about himself," Jungkook gave his boyfriend a smile, the omega and the alpha's parents talking throughout dinner.

Little did Tae know, his heat was getting closer and closer by the second.

A/N: I can battle keep my eyes open i'm so tired. I'll see you in the next chapter (hopefully tomorrow)! I purple you! 💜

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