Chapter 28: Date Night Part 2

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A/N: Here is the second part to Namjin's date night! So fluffy!

A/N: Here is the second part to Namjin's date night! So fluffy!

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Namjoon started the van and began driving to the fancy hotel he had made reservations at. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before Jin spoke up.

"So where are we going Joonie?" Jin asked excitedly, unable to wait.

Namjoon laughed at how eager the latter was.

"I'll only give you a hint, because I want it to be a small surprise."

Jin sighed, but nodded.

"That's fair."

"Alright, it's a place I know you have always wanted to go to," Namjoon continued driving, a smile on his face.

Jin put his hand on his chin and looked up in thought.


Jin turned to look at Namjoon.

"Is it-," but before Jin finished, Namjoon pulled into the restaurant parking lot. The younger looked up at the sign of the restaurant which was written in big, glowing letters. Exquisite. Jin gasped excitedly.

"It is! It is, it is, it is!" Jin clapped his hands. "It's Exquisite! The fanciest restaurant around! Booked for months! How Joonie?"

Namjoon unbuckled his and Jin's seatbelts.

"I have my ways when it comes to you, babe."

Jin blushed happily as Namjoon got out and opened the car door for the younger. Jin got out gracefully, staring in awe at the magnificent building.

Taking Jin's hand in his, Namjoon walked the two into the restaurant. Once inside, a waiter dressed in fancy clothes gave them their seats. They were sat next to the window, able to see the beautiful night sky from where they were sitting.

"Wow," Jin gazed at the stars in the navy blue sky, his eyes reflecting the light of every star. Namjoon lost his own eyes in the younger's crystal clear orbs, the star's light dancing in them.

A new waiter came to their seat and cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Ah sorry," Namjoon apologized.

The waiter smiled.

"That's quite alright! What can I get for you?"

The two looked through their menus for a brief moment before deciding what to order.

"We'll get the classic spaghetti for two dish with two sprites," Namjoon told the waiter with a dimpled smile, which Jin lost his attention in.

"Very good. I'll be back with your food momentarily," with that the waiter collected the menus and walked off towards the kitchen.

Namjoon looked back at Jin.

"So, do you like the date so far?"

Jin looked at Namjoon with a blank face.


Namjoon felt his breath catch in his throat.

Oh no! Jin doesn't like it! What if he breaks up with me? What if he never talks to me-

"I love it Joonie," Jin interrupted the alpha's crisis. Namjoon slumped his shoulders back with a sigh of relief.

Jin laughed.

"Sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to hype it up a little bit."

Namjoon laughed as he replied.

"It's alright, i'm just glad you like it!"

They continued their small talk for a while, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes without realizing it. It was the best night the both of them had experienced in a long time.

They were in the middle of making flirty jokes when the waiter came to their table with the food they ordered.

"Spaghetti and drinks," the waiter placed a large bowl of spaghetti and two sprites on the table. He bowed after bringing the food to them and left.

"Yah, this looks so good," Jin's mouth was watering at the sight of the food.

"It does," Namjoon looked at the spaghetti as he picked up his fork, Jin doing the same.

They both took a bite, and at the same time their eyes met.

"It's so good!" Jin moaned as he took another bite.

Namjoon nodded agreeing. They began scarfing the plate of pasta down, not even noticing when they had both picked up the same string of pasta.

As they both tried to eat the pasta, they realized it was stuck. Both looking up, they realized they had accidentally done the iconic "Lady and the Tramp" spaghetti scene. They both laughed slightly before Jin's cheeks turned pink in embarrassment.

Looking in each other's eyes, they leaned in and kissed, Namjoon ending up eating the pasta. When they pulled apart, they realized some of the waiters nearby had been watching them fondly. They all had smiles on their faces as they watched the adorable couple shy away from the looks of others.

"I'm so full," Namjoon patted his stomach.

"Me too," Jin said. "I can't eat anything else."

With that, Namjoon payed for the food and they walked back to the van. Getting in, the alpha leaned over to Jin.

"Well if you're full, how will you fit me in for dessert?"

Jin immediately understood what Namjoon meant and blushed brightly.

"Now to the fanciest hotel you've ever seen Jinnie," Namjoon winked as he started the van and began driving to the hotel.

A/N: Hope this chapter was good! See you in the next update! I purple you! 💜

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