Chapter 6: So What?

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A/N: I'm just going to stop apologizing for updating late because it's going to be late everyday at this point sorry! So now that my failed attempt at smut is over it's time for the next chapter!


Tae lied down on Jungkook's bed, the effects of his heat still clouding his memory. Jungkook turned and looked at Tae. He quickly put his shirt back on and dragged Tae downstairs.

"Open the door," the alpha shoved Tae towards the front door. Confused the omega slowly opened the door.

"Jin and Jimin!" Tae pulled the two omegas at the front in for a hug. Jin and Jimin looked at each other in confusion.

"Umm.. TaeTae? Are you feeling okay?" Jimin looked at Tae, his hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah I think so. I'm just kind of tired, and sweaty. And now that i'm thinking about it I could go for some ice cream and fried chicken," Taehyung started to fall but Jin caught him.

"I think he's in heat," Jimin said.

"No shit sherlock," Jin helped Tae up. "Where's your couch?"

Jungkook pointed behind him. "Living room is that way."

Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook all sat on the floor in the living room while Tae lied down on the couch.

"So what did you do to Taehyung?" Jin interrogated the alpha.

"W-what? Nothing..," Jungkook avoided the omegas gazes.

"If you don't tell us we can just find out when Taehyung wakes up," Jimin crossed his arms and glared at the alpha.

Jungkook gulped. "O-okay I may have.. fucked him."

The two omegas looked at each other and then at Jungkook.

"WHAT?!" the two omegas yelled in shock.

"Shhh!" Jungkook pointed to Tae who was slowly waking up. They all held their breath, and luckily Tae fell back asleep.

"So what?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, acting like the normal cocky alpha stereotype.

"So what?! So WHAT?! You fucked him without consent!" Jin flailed his arms.

"Well he technically gave consent. You should have heard him moaning for me to fuck him," Jungkook smirked at the two omegas and they both became flustered.

"Why are you talking about people fucking?" Tae rubbed his eyes sleepily as he woke up.

The three others all just looked at each other.

"Well that's because.. You were in heat and..," Jimin looked down as he muttered the rest.

"I know I was in heat.. So why do I feel so much better alrea-," Tae's eyes opened wide and his face turned a bright red. He had remembered what had happened only an hour earlier.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook. "First you steal my first kiss, and now my virginity?"

Jungkook tilted his head. "Really? You were a virgin? You were pretty good for your first time," Jungkook licked his lips and smirked at Tae.

Tae crossed his arms and turned away, still blushing.

Too cute. Jungkook thought looking at Tae.

"Alright well what now?" Jin asked the alpha. "Are we friends now or what? Because I need know if I have to be nice to you."

Jungkook chuckled. "I don't know let the pretty little omega decide."

Tae turned around. "We can be friends I guess. But nothing more! And i'm only letting us be friends because it would be weirder if we weren't friends after everything that's happened," Tae huffed and continued crossing his arms.

"Alright, alright. Enough arguing. Now that we're 'friends' we should establish some ground rules. Get those other three asshole alphas over here," Jimin told Jungkook.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes. "I'll let your disrespectful attitude slide this time." Jungkook texted Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon telling them how he had a nice time with Tae before the two omegas came barging in.

"When will they get here? I need to go home and-," but before Jimin finished his sentence the three alphas came running in.

"Hey~! Hope we aren't late to the party!" Hoseok sat next to Jimin and wrapped his arm around the omega's waist. Jimin blushed a light pink. Meanwhile Namjoon did the same to Jin.

Jin cleared his throat. "Okay well first things first- no more taking advantage of our heats okay?" Jimin and Tae both nodded in agreement.

"Second- no more bullying the three of us," Jimin glared at Jungkook specifically- for Tae's sake mostly.

"Last- we decide where to go if we're going to hangout okay?" Tae smirked at the alphas as Jin and Jimin high fived each other.

"Ugh fine we'll agree to your stupid rules," Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Good Kookie~," Tae sarcastically said while pinching Jungkook's cheeks.

"How adorable," Yoongi deadpanned. The omegas couldn't help but laugh at this.

"I don't think this will be so bad," Hoseok said as he tightened his grip on Jimin's waist.

"Hey back off a bit i'm not yours,"

"Well not yet baby~," Hoseok whispered into Jimin's ear. Jimin jumped a bit as he felt his face burning with embarrassment.

"Get a room," Yoongi made a disgusted look at Jimin and Hoseok.

"Gladly!" Hoseok stood up pulling Jimin with him.

"Wait-," and that was all they heard from Jimin as Hoseok rounded the corner and headed to the guest room, Jimin being dragged along behind him.

"May he come out being able to walk," Jin pretended to pray.

"Unlikely chance," Namjoon chuckled. "Shouldn't we pick up where we left off Jinnie?" Jin blushed.

"What kind o-of a n-nickname is Jinnie?" the omega stuttered.

"A cute one," Namjoon kissed Jin's cheek.

"We all just agreed on being friends! Don't act like we're in relationships!" Jin huffed.

"You know you like it. Junior down there says so."

Jin looked down and his face flushed a bright crimson, flooding all the way to his ears.

"Need some help with that?"

Jin buried his face in his hands as Namjoon escorted him to the bathroom.

"I feel like some sort of seventh wheel," Yoongi said, putting his hands behind his head.

"Nah dude. You'll find someone- and if not just threesome with Hoseok every once in a while," Jungkook smirked with a laugh.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You know I want to tell you that you're stupid, but that's actually not a bad idea."

"This is going to be a long year," Tae flopped onto the couch with a sigh.


A/N: So yeah, i'm half asleep and this probably sucked but hey what's done is done right? Anyways, a lot of dialogue as we head into the start of their 'friendships' as the omegas say. Although I don't think the alphas quite understand that.. I purple you! See you tomorrow! 💜

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