Chapter 42: Cereal

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A/N: This chapter is going to be such a crack fic chapter, with some fluff. Enjoy!

"JEON JUNGKOOK WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CEREAL!" Jin yelled from the kitchen at 8:oo am.

"You are in deep shit," Namjoon looked at Jungkook as he shook his head, walking down the stairs to the kitchen

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"You are in deep shit," Namjoon looked at Jungkook as he shook his head, walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

Jungkook just stood at the top of the stairs, laughing under his breath. Suddenly a loud slap was heard and the alpha felt a stinging sensation on his neck.

"Stop taking Jin's cereal you dick," Tae pouted angrily and crossed his arms.

Jungkook just cooed at the omega.

"I'm being serious!" Tae angrily stomped his foot.

"Sorry baby, you're just so cute when you're mad."

At this Taehyung huffed and swayed his hips angrily as he walked downstairs. Jungkook followed him to the kitchen, his eyes met with  Namjoon rubbing circles on Jin's back.

Jin lifted his head off of Namjoon's chest and turned to see Jungkook, eyes filled with rage.


"He's having mood swings and his hormones are off the charts, just go buy him some cereal," Namjoon interrupted Jin, calming the omega down with a hug and a peck on his lips.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him out the front door, car keys in his hand and a wallet in his coat pocket.

"We need cereal, and outfits for Thanksgiving dinner with your parents," Tae have his iconic boxy smile as he gave the older the car keys.

"Okay baby," Jungkook smirked at the younger, causing a light rosy color to appear on the omega's cheeks. They got in the car and drove to the grocery store.

"What kind does he like again?" Jungkook asked, swinging the car keys around his finger as the two males walked through the cereal aisle.

"Jin likes fruity pebbles. You ate them, didn't you realize what you were eating?"

"Hmm.. Not really I kind of just shove food into my face," the older shrugged as Tae mentally face palmed.

The two grabbed a box of fruity pebbles and paid for it before heading to the mall. Taehyung of course brought them to Gucci to get clothes. Nothing less than Gucci was acceptable to Tae, except of course, for clothes with unicorns on it.

Jungkook went over to the section with fancy suits, and chose a dark red suit and a white shirt to go underneath. He also chose matching black pants with red cuffs and red pockets.

After paying for his own outfit, Jungkook looked around trying to find Tae.

"Kookie over here!"

The alpha turned around to see Tae in a white suit, black skinny jeans showing off his curves, and a cute black choker. As if that wasn't enough he had a long dangling earring on his left ear, and a few studs on his right.

Jungkook's mouth dropped open in awe.

"I-Is it not good? Do I look stupid?" Tae pouted, his eyes turning glossy.

The alpha ran over to his boyfriend, giving him a tight hug.

"Baby you look so good right now I could've sworn you were a Gucci model."

Tae gave a small laugh as he pretended to flip his hair.

"I'm still waiting for them to call me."

The two boys laughed as Tae changed back into his clothes and payed for his Thanksgiving outfit.

Leaving the store, the two got into the car and drove home.

Jungkook gave Jin his cereal, barely managing to get away from the wrath of the omega.

Tae had decided to watch a movie with Jungkook and Jimin, although Taehyung ended up falling asleep on the couch. His head was in Jungkook's lap as Jimin fell asleep clinging to the his feet.

A/N: Why can I see this happening? Seriously though, I love BTS. They're so awesome and funny! Anyways, anyone who got the Dan and Phil reference, I applaud you. (If you don't know Phil sometimes eats Dan's cereal without asking lol.) I hope you enjoyed this crack fic chapter! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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